

Monday, September 26, 2016

Noah Smith — Economics Has a Major Blind Spot

Noah Smith is becoming a better economist after leaving academia for the media. He is becoming an institutionalist, perhaps without realizing that this is an area that has been explored.

Bloomberg View
Economics Has a Major Blind Spot
Noah Smith


  1. What a difference to the guy that was defending DSGE a decade ago. To the guy that tried to explain an equilibrium condition as nothing more than an equals sign, move on, nothing to see.

    In my mind, Noah represented the worst of the worst that economists offered to the world, closed minded, ignorant and arrogant.

    But if he can redeem himself, maybe there is hope for the profession as a whole. I mean he acknowledged people and places were injured. Not even agents.

  2. His shift is proof that economists need to get out out more.

  3. Being able to cluelessly and effortlessly lie without guilt is why Noah Smith is now in "the media".

  4. Being able to cluelessly and effortlessly lie without guilt is why Noah Smith is now in "the media".

    Ha ha. Good one.

    "Leave your conscience home when you go to work, if you still have one."
