

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Daily Beast — Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back

The Trump coalition coming apart at the seams?
"Steve thinks Jared is worse than a Democrat, basically," another official close to Bannon said. "[Steve] has a very specific vision for what he believes, and what he shares [ideologically] with Trump. And he has for a long time now seen [Jared] as a major obstacle to achieving that."…
“Jared Kushner, perhaps the one presidential aide who cannot be fired, is now in regular text message communications with Joe Scarborough,” Roger Stone, a former longtime political adviser to Trump, claimed on Alex Jones’s show. “Many of the anti-Steve Bannon stories that you see, the themes that you see on [MSNBC’s] Morning Joe, are being dictated by Kushner. …
“Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, Dina Powell: the three big-government liberals tightening their hold on the White House,” influential right-wing radio host Mark Levin warned on Twitter on Wednesday night.
Trouble in Trumpland? All the popular support Trump has comes from the Trumpistas. If he loses them, he has no base. Game over.

The Daily Beast
Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back
Donald Trump’s two closest aides are fighting “nonstop” and often “face-to-face,” officials say — and it’s even uglier in private.
Asawin Suebsaeng


  1. Trump loses the alt-right if he goes mainstream liberal conservative and becomes a Hillary democrat. He's already gone too far.

  2. The Daily Beast. A high quality publication ;)

  3. "I think we’ve had one of the most successful 13 weeks in the history of the presidency,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One.

    I dare say, more like the most entertaining 13 weeks in the history of the presidency :)

  4. Trump loses the alt-right if he goes mainstream liberal conservative and becomes a Hillary democrat. He's already gone too far.

    Alt right sites are already all over it.

    He's lost Alex Jones. Ann Coulter opposed.

    Trump is a hair's breath from losing his base.

    The real left is opposed, too, against the Democratic liberal interventionists that are pushing Trump, along with the hawks like McCain and the neocons.

    Looks life the US may be approaching an Vietnam/Iraq moment that influences American politics for decades.

  5. Ooops.

    It begins.

    Nice going, Chump. Isn't this the same scenario people were warning about with HRC?

  6. Nice going, Chump. Isn't this the same scenario people were warning about with HRC?

    The difference is that HRC would not have needed an excuse in Syria, and the US would likely already be engaged militarily in Ukraine and the South China Sea. Trump was able to fend them off for going on 3 mo.

  7. "The difference is that HRC would not have needed an excuse in Syria, and the US would likely already be engaged militarily in Ukraine and the South China Sea. Trump was able to fend them off for going on 3 mo."

    For a while too, it looked like the direction was going more w/ conflict with Iran and China. It seems now the Kissingers have lost too. I think if he hadn't pulled this Syria stuff on us, the Iran War would have been the big war. Another change of plans, I see.

  8. It is happening now.

    I’m watching it now on MSNBC. The neocons have just started a brand new war. This is an absolute, total betrayal of the confidence we placed in President Trump. I’m finished with him.

    America First? No, this is more like Obama’s “Responsibility to Protect” foreign policy. This is Hillary Clinton’s globalist foreign policy. We have been duped by a con artist.

    Con Artist Donald Trump Crosses Red Line And Starts War With Syria
    Hunter Wallace

  9. Game over for Chump supporters, or all of us?

  10. This is not going to be like everyone lining up behind W after 9/11.

    As they say in the army, "The shit's on."

  11. James Woolsey is recommending to attack Iran simultaneously with Syria.

  12. Reuters: Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields

    This completely cooks DJT off. Stick a fork in him and see if he is done.

  13. America goes to war for al Qaeda in Syria.


    The Libertarian Institute
    It’s Treason
    Scott Horton

  14. Picture of Hillary with two thumbs up:

    Alt-R have a sense of humor :)

  15. "attack Iran simultaneously"

    Saw that one coming a mile away..... it's not even....

  16. No UN resolution. US war crime of illegal aggression.

  17. I just heard, Tom. This is fucking FUBAR.

    Also remember that picture of DJT and HRC at the wedding back in 2005? That's what I'm thinking of when I see what you wrote.

  18. Let this sink in.

  19. NYT:

    "Unlike Mr. Obama, who weighed — and ultimately rejected — the use of a similar strike at targets after Syria used chemical weapons in 2013, Mr. Trump moved with remarkable speed, delivering the punishing military strike barely 72 hours after the devastating chemical attack"

  20. I guess that impulsiveness is now a virtue.

  21. Tom, best move this to another thread. This is the "cuck" thread, remember?

    And I had all these cuck jokes that I wanted to post ... and now I don't feel like it.

  22. If Kushner is a cuck, with whom is Ivanka cheating on him?

  23. Donald, who else? Or Donald Trump, Jr.

  24. Bob: I like that, Donald J. Chump, it might stick.
    Chump screwed up big time and the deep state has regained control.

  25. Oh, and I was going to say that I believe that Chump's new most trusted adviser, Jared Kushner, is an agent of the deep state.
