

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Kaitlin Collins — BREAKING: Trump Comments On U.S. Airstrikes In Syria – “in the vital national security interest of the United States”

Donald Trump said the United States carried out targeted missile strikes on a Syrian airfield “in the vital national security interest of the United States.”

The Daily Caller
BREAKING: Trump Comments On U.S. Airstrikes In Syria
Kaitlin Collins | White House Correspondent


  1. Maybe he thinks the continued use of gas there would lead to more refugees headed west....

  2. Bill Mitchell, the biggest Trump defender on the planet weighs in.

    No, not our lovable MMT Bill Mitchell. :(

    Um we're not at war with Syria. We took out a chemical weapons base. Trump could easily have taken out Assad himself but did not.

  3. Trump is clearly playing 5D chess and is many moves ahead of everyone, supporters and detractors alike.

  4. Six, More like Trump is getting played and good.

  5. At least Trump took care of the illegal immigration problem before moving on to national security.

  6. Lol.

    All the "civilized nations" he didn't tell in advance. But he did brief the Russians. And if he didn't tell State Dept who's this "us?"

    My favorite response:

    He acted in direct opposition to the Russians & you still think he's a Russian? You need medication

  7. Matt

    China's total foreign reserve holdings are in excess of $10 trillion US. ???

    Where do you get that figure from ?

    Treasuries are $1 trillion and foreign reserves about $3 trillion ??

    Can you point me in the right direction ??

  8. Foot I think that was recently linked to by Tom here it was an imf report or something....

    And it is 10aT usd EQUIVALENT... I.E. if you took all of the disparate China foreign currency reserves and converted them to usd using recent exchange rates then you would get 10T....

  9. Here

  10. And he did this while hosting the Chinese premier!

    It's like poking Chinese President Xi in the eye with a fork.

    Trump is incompetent.

  11. I'm so incensed that there's a big typo. Should be "when the forces fighting AGAINST TYRANNY ARE Russia..."

  12. Incompetent is the least of it! I hope he gets impeached on the flimsiest of pretexts. Although now that he's given in to the deep state, that's never gonna happen. For the sake of humanity, the Kremlin needs to release that tape of Trump and Kushner spit roasting Ivanka.

  13. what's he thinking, if he even thinks, that is?

    I don't think he though this through if at all, or consulted with competent people on it.

    Reports are that Trump gets his info from cable news and thinks it is sufficient. He just shot from the hip based on what he saw on the news today and probably also at the instigation of the generals he put in charge.

  14. Tom: "Reports are that Trump gets his info from cable news and thinks it is sufficient."

    It's not like he even hides it. For a long time intelligent observers would say that he's doing this deliberately in some Moriarty or Sith plan. No, he actually believes this propaganda! Anyone who knowingly quotes Breitbart or Fox is a fucking retard. Is he that much of a simpleton that he believes (I won't say "think") Breitbart and Fox are intelligent and truthful sources? This when he has the capacity of the state apparatus to find out the truth about anything happening in the world! The man is a fruitcake, a total fucking fruitcake! Putin, release the tape!!!!!!
