

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Rebecca Savransky — Poll: Majority supports strikes on Syria

A HuffPost/YouGov survey finds 51 percent of Americans support the president's decision to order the airstrikes in retaliation for a chemical attack last week that killed civilians in northern Syrian.

Thirty-two percent of Americans are opposed to the strikes and 17 percent are uncertain.
Among Trump voters, 83 percent support the president's decision, while just 11 percent oppose it.
This is a surprisingly small margin at the outset of an operation. It doesn't bode well for committing US troops to an operation in Syria and Iraq, effectively winking back the clock to before the US withdrew from Iraq.

It appears that strongly committed America Firsters are a small minority of Trump supporters. But considering that Trump lost the popular vote, every supporter counts, especially taking into account that Trump has almost no support inside the bubble and strong opposition both from the opposition party and within his own party.

The Hill
Poll: Majority supports strikes on Syria
Rebecca Savransky


  1. Brainwashing is alive and well. After five years of overwhelming evidence piling up of the armed forces of a secular country defending itself from an invasion of jihadi wackos intent on destroying the country and imposing what they imagine is seventh century paradise, what conclusion do the people arrive at? The secular government must be attacked, even toppled! As I keep saying, 9/11 wasn't a big enough wake-up call.

  2. This proves people are a bunch of dumbass sheep that never learn or have the worst long-term memory ever. People from around the world have every right to laugh at Americans. It really does not give me much hope or confidence in convincing the people of other issues that would benefit them that they choose to vote against.

  3. TV and media still control the minds of many, even in this day and age of the Internet and alternative media sources on the rise.

  4. Third post, but I call this phenomenon "The Deep Stupid." It's like a disease that's so hard to cure and eradicate on a mass scale w/o control of the entities that pump out propaganda.

  5. Ask if Americans support toppling the Assad government.
    Ask if they support an invasion force to get the job done.

    Ask those questions and watch that majority evaporate.

  6. "The Deep Stupid."

    Penguin, I don't care that you came up with it first. I'm claiming it for myself! Superb line. I can't stop laughing...

  7. I agree John, it's crazy. A secular dictator is better than a religious death cult.

    If we really truly cared about Syrian civilians, it seems to me that getting the war over and imposing order as soon as possible should be the goal. As distasteful as it is, this means Assad stays (the reports are, the tide has turned and the momentum is in his favor), maybe even supporting him (by killing his enemies, who are also our enemies (in theory anyways)). It also means the Saudi's and Qatari's don't get their pipeline... ah ha! And therein lies the rub.

    What's the one single action that could provoke further western intervention? A chemical attack. Assad could have killed twice as many people with regular bombs and gotten less than half the media attention. It was the single biggest blunder he could have made. And just days after regime change was no longer official US policy...
    Who were the biggest beneficiaries of a chemical attack? Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Could be a coincidence, but goddamn that's a mighty nice bit of good fortune for them, no?

    For the sake of the Syrian people, let's hope this is all just theatre and with no further US escalation.

  8. "Penguin, I don't care that you came up with it first. I'm claiming it for myself! Superb line. I can't stop laughing..."

    We can all thank Steve Grumbine for that one. He talked about it in context of people who have bought into all the economic myths and falsehoods out there on one of his livestreams. He was so annoyed how more people were talking about The Deep State than caring and learning about economics and how to actually advance a progressive agenda in an actionable way. I just took his term and described an even broader, much more seemingly hopeless situation we're in right now with how dumbed down the people have become.

  9. This all goes back to Goebbels and before him, Bernays. A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.

    Over 70% though Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11. Mission Accomplished!

  10. Stupidity is the much better explanation of the irrational. Deep State sounds cheesy to me and I've even said before that DJT requires no so-called "Deep State" to make the kind of decisions he has made so far. I never thought he was sucked in by anything. I hold a view that he was always hungry to do what he wanted when it came to Iran and attacking the wrong country, it's just that the Syria thing was a bit of a change in plans from what he always wanted to do and what he ran on.

  11. If this Deep State ever existed, then like with many other things, DJT just cut out the middleman from the equation.

  12. The Deep Stupid is referring to the American populace. The poll results, remember?

  13. Matt, there is a Deep State (the various establishments in finance, the energy sector, the military-industrial complex, Council on Foreign Affairs, etc), but there's also what is insightfully called the Deep Stupid (the American flag lapel brigades, the monster truck divisions, the armies of rightwing warmongers who couldn't find the US on a map let alone Syria, etc). There's something to that. When a significant part of the population supports Trump's bombing of Syria, that's a YUGE problem. There's no two ways about it, what Trump did only helps the jihadi motherfuckers. Every Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria praised Trump. That says everything BIGLY. I don't know about you, but I don't want a hijacked truck to mow me down, or have ball bearings cannon through my skull. Funnily enough, my position and pretty much everybody here was the one Trump campaigned on. Let's face it, Trump is a colossal disaster, and he's only going to get worse, probably leaving North and South Korea in ashes and a nuclear winter in the Far East. This is going to be a long four years...if we make it...

  14. The Deep State is alive and well and is successfully turning Trump, who really doesn't have any choice. He wants to think that he's in charge, but he's not, and with that titanic ego something is going to give.

    The Project for the New American Century was the defining document for Bill Clinton (second term), W and BO, and is the defining document for the Deep State.

  15. The Project for the New American Century was the defining document for Bill Clinton (second term), W and BO, and is the defining document for the Deep State.

    Many of the same bad actors are still around causing trouble after 20 years.
