

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Zero Hedge — Russia, Iran Warn U.S. They Will "Respond With Force" If Syria "Red Lines" Crossed Again

Update: Adam Carrie, Fake news story in mainstream AND alt-media slanders Russia and Iran at The Duran.

 Here is the original report that is allegedly fake.
A statement issued on Sunday by a joint command centre consisting of forces of Russian, Iran and allied militia alliance supporting Syrian President Bashar al Assad said that Friday's US strike on the Syrian air base crossed “red lines” and it would "respond with force" to any new aggression while increasing their level of support to their ally.
In the statement published by the group on media outlet Ilam al Harbi, the pro-Assad alliances says that “what America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well."
Earlier on Sunday the UK's Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon, demanded Russia rein in Mr Assad (by which he really meant be willing to accept a new Syrian regime with a pro-western puppet leader, and one who is willing to allow the Qatar gas pipeline to cross the country on its way to Europe....
Zero Hedge
Russia, Iran Warn U.S. They Will "Respond With Force" If Syria "Red Lines" Crossed Again
Tyler Durden

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