

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wayne Madsen: Trump Backs Sunni Radical Islam over Moderate Shi’ism

I had high hopes for Trump, but I knew I was being naïve. But I weren't the only one, Michael Hudson and Max Keiser had high hopes too, lots of people did. We were betting on the unknown as we knew the other lot were rotten.

As terrorists bomb Britain again, the biggest source of Terrorism is ignored in the MSM: Saudi Wahhabism. How can the public be so easily duped, and how can Western governments be so brazen?

President Donald Trump signaled to the nations of the Middle East and Muslim world that he strongly backs radical Sunni Islam, mostly embodied by Saudi Arabia’s brand of Wahhabism, over the emerging moderate Shi’ism on display in Iran. Trump’s first visit to another country as president was Saudi Arabia. Trump was also the only president to make Saudi Arabia his first stop after taking office. The decision to honor Saudi Arabia with such U.S. presidential protocol was a calculated one. 
Trump’s first official act after he landed in Riyadh was to ink a $300 billion arms package with Saudi Arabia. The United States agreed to supply the Saudis with the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system, maritime littoral combat ships for close-in shore combat, and so-called «precision-guided munitions» responsible for so many civilian «collateral damage» deaths in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Pakistan. 
Considering the Wahhabist kingdom’s past and current support for the very same radical jihadists who are committing acts of terrorism in Syria, Yemen, and other nations, it is hypocritical that Trump claimed the U.S. and Saudi Arabia are «jointly» battling against terrorism.. 
Ironically, as Trump was praising Saudi Arabia’s «efforts» against jihadist terrorism, Iran overwhelmingly re-elected moderate President Hassan Rouhani. Rouhani ran on a platform of bestowing more freedoms on the Iranian people and opening the country to the rest of the world. A day after Trump’s anti-Iran speech in Riyadh, reformists won all 21 seats in Tehran’s municipal election. Across the board, Iranians, particularly women and minority religious groups, enjoy many more rights than do the Saudi Arabs.  
Trump Backs Sunni Radicals 


  1. Bigotry is duping some of the public, for the rest its not yet clear how British tax dollars are being used to fund terrorists who carry out attacks in Britain.

  2. Bob the "blowback" is from the combination of rapid multiculturalism and social liberalization at the same time... not military policy...

    They blew up other young people at a libertine music concert... same here with the gay nightclub in Orlando, death metal in France, etc

  3. When have you heard a terrorist blame multiculturalism for their actions?

  4. They are too socially conservative to be quickly assimilated and prone to react with violence...

    The left and cuck right who signed off on all of this are now in over their heads...

  5. So the solution is no more immigration for a while, Matt?

    I would think fixing the screwed up currencies in all these countries these people are coming from would be more effective, then doing something about the IMF, and then if you want, copy Israel and have a border wall, but being careful with eminent domain.

    During that time, you find solutions to have those groups of people assimilated better into society overtime if there are still people from those regions who want to come in.

  6. Not looking good for Iran....

    Collision course with Iran, Russia and China, and other countries affect by radical Islamic terrorism.

    But not to worry, the US will get millions of new jobs from military expansion.

    1. It's such a sad world. How does Pence square that with his Christianity?

      I'm am an idealist, I know, but the rich could invest in new green technology and make themselves a fortune that way, but I guess that is hard work, it's easier just to pinch wealth instead.

      They could invest in technology and make manufacturing inexpensive in the US and give people jobs. How can mankind have such scintillating intelligence yet remain so stupid? We could have such an easy life, and concentrate on important things like climate change and population control.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. There is already a huge and growing amount of cross-border legal labor "migration" through embedded labor in imports and digital distance labor.

    There is also a lot of legal labor importation through special arrangements like work visa and "green cards" for desirable workers like health care professionals and tech workers.

    Liberation from the shackles of space

    Capitalism is a powerful attractor of resources to where there is demand for them at the best deal.

  8. The solution is peace in Northern Ireland, peace in the Middle East, and lots of borders to prevent Europeans from slaughtering each other...

    1. If the ruling elite could stop exploiting third world countries and allow them to prosper, then there would less immigration.

  9. In the future, Polish construction workers will be able to ply their trade in the UK remotely. Maids will no longer have to leave their homes to scrub toilets in foreign countries - they'll do it remotely!

  10. It's such a sad world. How does Pence square that with his Christianity?

    Easy ... he's just a Christian in name only.

    1. When you think what Christ taught, but the Christian West took no notice.

  11. The human species has about as much concern for the future as a swarm of locusts.

    1. The public need do wake up instead they take no notice in politics. Even though they are made to work much harder than they need to, even though their houses cost them a lot more than they should have done, even though their children stay home until their mid 30's because they can't afford somewhere to live, even though their children are in debt due to university fees, even though public services are run down because the bankers took all the money. Or perhaps it's the corporate media which doesn't tell them anything.

  12. So the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and 9/11 were down to 'multiculturalism'?

  13. Trump just signed a $460 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
    In 2011 Trump says Saudi is "the world's biggest funder of terrorism."

  14. "But not to worry, the US will get millions of new jobs from military expansion."

    And the fire and ambulance personnel who'll be required when the jihadis tear apart major cities. Nurses and doctors for those who've lost limbs and are paralysed. All those associated with funerals should see a pick up in business.

  15. Postkey,

    Nice! There are plenty of quotes like that, just like there are plenty in which he says the exact opposite to what he's doing in office. All US administrations were in the business of supporting the Saudis and the other loony extremists, but only the obese paedophile has seen it as an opportunity to line his own pockets from day one. The money is too enticing, and he'll do anything for money. From crappy boardgames and ludicrous books, to the fraudulent Trump "university" and whatever weird insanity he got up to with Robert Kiyosaki, Trump would pimp himself out if anyone was disgustingly perverted enough to tour the obese contours of an orange paedophile.

  16. You're telling me! I kind of hoped he would be different, yes, I was hoping he would be a good guy. We were all dreaming and hoping. The world needed a change.

    By destroying democracy in the ME, the West has pushed that continent back to the Middle Ages. By constantly trying to loot these countries many were forced to become dictatorships to protect themselves, and many others became dictatorships because we wanted them to be.

    They call it the Oil Curse.

  17. In the future, Polish construction workers will be able to ply their trade in the UK remotely. Maids will no longer have to leave their homes to scrub toilets in foreign countries - they'll do it remotely!

    Already here.

    1. Construction - modular housing and 3D printing

    2. Maid work - self-cleaning composing toilets.

  18. @lastgreek
    Christian in name only



  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Chino?

    "CHristian In Name Only"

    Ha! It took me a few seconds to make sense of it, even came very close to googling it. I like it!

    So, the Pences and Ryans -- all Chinos!

    PS: I need to start using the preview button :(

  22. I can never remember if we are Team Sunni or Theam Shia.

  23. Kaivey A lot of those guys think of themselves as modern day Crusaders

    1. Damn man! They actually think they're doing good. These are the crazies, and they have control. Hardly anyone thinks like that.

  24. "think they're doing good."

    Well so do the multicultural left and the cuck right bringing the terrorists in....

  25. A lot more on the left and cuck right are going to have to die before this can get settled imo...

    1. I think you have a point, Matt. Tom calls it the liberal paradox. I wrote this below earlier but didn't post it. I'm a liberal so it's a tough subject for me. My best friend is Indian, but he's completely Anglicized.


      Tom talks about the liberal paradox. Can we be liberal and allow non liberals a voice? Yes, but let's hope they don't take over. Lets hope the majority of people remain liberal, right or left.

      I was on a very liberal blog the other day where I admitted I didn't like too much immigration. That multiculturalism taking place too fast might not work, and that I was uncomfortable with it. The site owner said I was brave to admit that. I actually felt guilty because I'm a liberal. Later, though, he came out with another blog saying culture matters, meaning English culture. He got a lot of wrap from liberal friends for saying that.

      One day we will all be multicultural to some degree, but when it takes place very slowly it's not going to affect people so much. But the paradox is, do we want to live in country that doesn't have our liberal culture anymore? Do we want to allow such a situation to occur? If are are liberals then surely no?

      I hate the Alt. Right and their blatant racism. I hate everything about them. I like people from different cultures, so this creates a conflict in me. But the liberals in the British Labour Party need to think about this. An open door immigration policy might mean that they never get voted in again.

      Most of the British people aren't Alt Right racists, they just like to keep their culture to some degree. When you think how terrible racism can be, like the Germans hating the Jews, then this is a tough subject for liberals and fair minded conservatives. I think it's one that liberals don't want to bring up, but we need to face up to it.

  26. Having an immigration policy would help but there is no quick fix for terrorism. There's no quick fix for most violent crimes either, and the damage done from those is far greater.

    Move on with your lives.

  27. The alt right over here are millennials who have been trained to value identity.... so they are just advocating for their own identity like everyone else is....

  28. Glad you liked it lastgreek. i suppose your humoring me, but thanks all the same. :)

  29. @Matt

    I dont know that they have to die but they do need a reorientation of some of their values. It can happen without bloodshed

    There does need to be a reawakening of sorts which kind of ties into your second comment ;

    "The alt right over here are millennials who have been trained to value identity.... so they are just advocating for their own identity like everyone else is...."

    which is only partly true because everyone else is just wanting to have what they already have (socially that is) but they (wrongly) view social rights/position as some sort of zero sum game. They think advocating for the rights of minorities and other previously marginalized people means they will get less. Rights are not some zero sum game. Everyone can be treated as fully human and worthy. Trouble is many of those white millennial were raised in time where their rights were disproportionally granted. They could almost do anything and get away with it. Now they cant..... and they see that as some sort of denial of basic rights when it is only denial of excessive privilege. They need to wake up to the fact that white privilege was, and still is to large extent, true instead of denying it and making up lame excuses why white people deserve all the spoils they have amassed.

    1. Yes, I watched a bit of a video Chanel on YouTube by young alt right people and they kept complaining about how non while people were getting special privileges, as if they were hard done by. It was sickening.

  30. Did they refer specifically to affirmative action initiatives?

  31. Greg the only privilege they have experienced is the non white privileges via the Title 7 .... they are millennial not boomers...

    Title 7 is a boomer policy being forced on millennials....

    "Sins of the fathers will be visited upon the sons..." type of thing....

  32. "as if they were hard done by."

    They ARE being hard done by.... this is the problem....

    Try being a white male trying to get into a school .... or get a civil service job, etc...

    You have all of this promotion based on diversity goals instead of qualification... look how f-ed up things are how do you think it gets this way? Evolved from the apes????? Random chance mutations????

  33. Look at Chris Christie's unqualified diversity hire to run the George Washington bridge... the bridge is still a mess and she is on her way to jail....

    She's a poli sci major from St. Mary's wtf does she know about a bridge?

    "Personnel is policy...."

  34. Title7

    Title VII of the Act, codified as Subchapter VI of Chapter 21 of title 42 of the United States Code, prohibits discrimination by covered employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin (see 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2[44]). Title VII applies to and covers an employer "who has fifteen (15) or more employees for each working day in each of twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year" as written in the Definitions section under 42 U.S.C. §2000e(b). Title VII also prohibits discrimination against an individual because of his or her association with another individual of a particular race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, such as by an interracial marriage.[45] The EEO Title VII has also been supplemented with legislation prohibiting pregnancy, age, and disability discrimination (See Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, Age Discrimination in Employment Act,[46] Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990).

    This is not only about non-white, but also female competition owing to the mandating of non-discrimination in hiring. There are other federal laws prohibiting discrimination, e.g., in housing, education, voting, etc.

    Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Who are the snowflakes here?
