

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Going Underground - Legendary Noel Edmonds on City Corruption & Dr Alford on Intelligence-Hollywood Collusion

Noel Edmonds had a number of his businesses go bankrupt and he just thought that he is not a good businessman but eventually he started reading about white collar banking crime and he realised his businesses were made bankrupt on purpose so that the banks could seize the assets and make a lot of money. Noel Edmonds is fighting for compensation and he say's the problems started when Thatcher deregulated the City of London, known as the big bang. He say's how neoliberalism has destroyed our economy while a few have made enormous profits.

In this episode, we speak to legendary broadcaster Noel Edmonds about corruption and fighting the British banking system. Dr Matthew Alford on alleged collusion between the U.S. government and Hollywood. Plus, Jackie Walker performs a scene from her play ‘The Lynching’!

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