

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Leonid — The low blow as a rule

It is a centuries-old practice of the maritime powers [thalassocracy] to "isolate" their enemies with a curtain made of economic sanctions, military encirclement, political and ideological condemnation: in the past, "isolation" or "strangulation" was usually the source of war. The latest developments in Europe are therefore to be looked at with concern: in the United Kingdom, the clumsy poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal was exploited to further exacerbate diplomatic relations with Russia and to push "the allies" in the same direction, while in Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico, opposed to a total flattening of NATO policies, was overthrown in a dirty operation. The Atlantic block has now "ostracized" Moscow and, denying its rights, its interests and its legitimate sphere of influence, is preparing the ground for war....
Good summary of the lead up to war to date. This is pretty clearly the way the Russian leadership views it. They are preparing for WWIII as the extension of WWI and WWII. They would be foolish not to do so.

The Chinese leadership is also well aware it next on the list after Russia and is sending warnings that Taiwan is a red line.

My assessment is that the Western military establishment realizes that the window of opportunity is closing and that they don't have much time left before Russia and China, which are being driven together by events, become too strong to confront, so that the US-led West loses global hegemony. This is unacceptable.

Parlous times. Looks like the US is stumbling into the Thucydides trap.

The low blow as a rule

See also

Paul Robinson dissects more propaganda.

How not to write history
Paul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa


Strategic Culture Foundation
The Russian Military Warns: a Major War in Syria Is ImminentArkady Savitsky, military analyst based in St Petersburg, Russia


Israel admits bombing suspected Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007, warns Iran

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