

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Britisher - Dear Stefan Molyneux - In Place of Thunderf00t: Statism and Libertarianism

The Britisher explains why most people don't want libertarianism. He seems to be a gentle, moderate conservative who values the state. I rather like him.

This is a rather good comment someone left under the video.

Anarchocapitalism works perfectly in the same universe that communism works know...the one where human nature is irrelevant.


  1. Libertarians basically propose allowing a "state" or "states" or "government" that cannot initiate violence against the innocent non-criminals, but only defend against violence. I've never liked libertarian nomenclature in this regard because it's very confusing. Statists need to focus upon their claim that there is a necessity to initiate violence against innocent non-criminals. They also need to show how precluding the initiation of violence against innocent non-criminals is such a bad thing.

    Naturally, MMT and fiat funny money depend and are based upon using violence against innocent non-criminals to solve problems that don't even exist.

  2. I'm sure you mean well, Bob, we all see the world differently.

  3. we all see the world differently

    Yes. We libertarians are vociferous in our opposition to the initiation of violence against the innocent. That is our fundamental principle. MMTers and "progressives" apparently take the opposing viewpoint in supporting the initiation of violence against the innocent.

  4. “We libertarians are vociferous in our opposition to the initiation of violence against the innocent. That is our fundamental principle.”

    I remember when Chile and the REAL violence its military junta did against its people- all accepted by von Mises- and how Bob Roddis excused it all with -it would have been worse with leftis in charge, a statement as if Bob is capably of living in parallel universes.

    Bobs anti violence is just a charade.
