

Friday, April 24, 2020

Lab-made? CoV2 genealogy through the lens of gain-of-function research

Deep dive into it..

Translated from science-speak, what this means is that if we analyze the entire RBD of the three strains, ignoring the obvious differences (i.e. non-synonymous substitutions) among them, which are mainly found in the RBM (which, recall, is identical between CoV2 and Pangolin), and construct a phylogenetic tree for synonymous substitutions, CoV2 is still closer to RaTG13 than to the pangolin strain. Which is rather strange in light of the fact that the pangolin strain and CoV2 have identical RBMs (which are segments inside RBD). 
The authors go on to put forth a conjecture that this may be the result of convergent evolution, in other words, that CoV2 and the pangolin strain came to possess identical RBMs each in their own way, rather than through recombination between common ancestors. Because it would have required a rather unique recombination event — as if someone cut out a precise RBM segment from a pangolin strain and used it to replace the RBM in RaTG13. Talk about Intelligent Design!


  1. Matt, this guy Yuri Deigin has an MBA.


  2. "Yuri earned his MBA from the Columbia Business School at Columbia University in 2010, where he became a specialist in the development and marketing of new drugs. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Science in the fields of Computer Science and Mathematics in 2001 from the University of Toronto."

    Columbia does it via Masters of Science iirc... that is where Buffet got his MBA...

    ie Master of Science, Business Administration

    Science is the methodology not the discipline....

    Checkmate... AGAIN....

  3. ” Checkmate... AGAIN....”

    Figurative language. Art degree envy.
    Excuses and inconsistency. Not science.


  5. “ the level of genome sequence divergence between SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 is equivalent to an average of 50 years (and at least 20 years) of evolutionary change.

    Hence, SARS-CoV-2 was not derived from RaTG13.”

    Professor Nigel McMillan is the Director in Infectious Diseases and Immunology at Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University

  6. Sorry above is from Professor Edward Holmes who is an evolutionary virologist and a member of the Charles Perkins Centre and the Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity at the University of Sydney

  7. S, when he asserts here: " the level of genome sequence divergence between SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 is equivalent to an average of 50 years"

    How does he arrive at the 50 year product?

    This is what you have to look into... what are his assumptions? etc..

    Maybe somebody else would say a lot longer... with different assumptions...

    Also WHERE in the genome is the difference? Does the specific location result in the gain of function?

    Is this guy looking at the specific location within the genome?

    DNA can exonerate or convict...

  8. “Who needs Science when we have you geniuses...“

    Who need virologists and Immunologists when we have Matt Franko in comment field knowing it all through his “science training”.

  9. “Well what are you guys complaining about then “

    That complaining is only in your mind where you make shit up and ascribe it to others. You know that mind that plays chess with it self and proclaim
    ” Checkmate... AGAIN....”

  10. The methodology is foundational to any discipline...

  11. Yeah those virologists and Immunologists don’t know about that. Only at Trump university can one learn that.

  12. "Yuri earned his MBA from the Columbia Business School at Columbia University in 2010, where he became a specialist in the development and marketing of new drugs. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Science in the fields of Computer Science and Mathematics in 2001 from the University of Toronto."

    Right -- he is NOT A SCIENTIST.

    "... that is where Buffet got his MBA..."

    Right again -- NEITHER is Buffet a SCIENTIST.

    BTW... virologists and Immunologists, for example, are SCIENTISTS. Actually, they're BOTH MEDICAL DOCTORS and SCIENTISTS.

    OK, gotta go-- comedy hour (WH briefing) has just started :)

  13. You have to look at the virologist and immunologists CV...

    If they have a BA in virology then they are not scientists they are Artists...

    They start with Theory FIRST...

  14. These guys are saying that the mutation evolved from the apes by random chance mutation... they are probably saying this because they are trained under Darwin where everything has to be viewed as happening by random chance mutation.... that is the Theory they have been trained to start with...

    So ofc they are going to say any mutation was due to happenstance if they dont then their whole world collapses... it then becomes like their whole professional life has been a complete waste of time...

    Think of all the monetarists trained under the same methodology looking at all (to them) the "money printing!" going on and prices are collapsing...

    Are they ever going to make an adjustment? Noooooooooo..

    Its possibly the same with these Biologists under the liberal art Darwinism/Evolutionism ..

    They may not have the proper training to make an objective analysis ...

    I wouldnt trust their judgement unless I could interview them...

  15. I think the Science trained Computational Mathmetician who wrote the Medium article is looking at the insertion and trying to gauge the process by which the genome was cut and then this other sequence was severed and then inserted right where the original cut was and considering the odds of that happening by random chance...

    I'm interpreting this as he thinks the odds of that is very low... perhaps so low as to be impossible?

    I dont know myself... I'd like to.. but I dont... yet...

    If the odds of that happening is so high as to be impossible then it was man made.. if it can be determined or demonstrated to occur in a reasonable amount of time via natural mutation then it probably happened thru naturally occuring processes..

    If it was natural then we should get off China's back... if it was man made then we have to figure out who did it and seek retribution...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. “You have to look at the virologist and immunologists CV...“

    Yeah those labs hiring them don’t look at cv or care for if they know science methodology.

  18. “I wouldnt trust their judgement unless I could interview them...“

    I know not to trust you based on all crap conspiracy theories you make up or others you push.

  19. ”You have to look at the virologist and immunologists CV...”

    So you’re now resorting to Platonism.
    Who would have thought as inconsistencies only is your middle name.

  20. “If they have a BA in virology then they are not scientists they are Artists...“

    Ok the doctor hat from Trump university you bought from eBay second hand. Got it.
