

Friday, April 24, 2020

Pre and post Covid-19 economies reveal the massive con across the planet by establishment politicians…

For the last 40 years or so the world has been subjected to an economic model that rips the heart out of humanity and turns everyone against each other. This model is known as neo liberalism.

However, there is a new model in town which seeks to replace it with a much more long term and kinder approach.

Pre and post Covid-19 economies reveal the massive con across the planet by establishment politicians…


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Modern money theory (MMT) is an economic model that has become part of mainstream economic thinking since the 1990’s. It aims to bring about policies that promote financial stability ...

    As if making an inherently unjust system, whereby the banks and the rich steal from the poor, STABLE is a good thing?!

    and the attainment of full employment.

    Full employment, in any true sense, requires justice, not a continuation of the present system of wage and debt slavery - which is the current MMT goal.

    Talk about a massive con ...
