

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Climate Science Denial Network Behind Great Barrington Declaration, Nafeez Ahmed

 The ‘think-tank’ behind the Great Barrington Declaration is part-funded by right-wing American billionaire Charles Koch

'Herd immunity' is under question too. 

The claim that “thousands of scientists” are supporting the Barrington Declaration was reported far and wide by major media outlets from the BBC to the Daily Mail. But when I attempted to check how the signatory process works, I discovered that there was no vetting procedure in place for signatories – anybody could become a confirmed signatory of the Declaration and be categorised as a scientist or medic by falsifying entry information and ticking a box. By experimenting with the process myself, I was able to add myself as a signatory under the ‘Medical & Public Health Scientists’ category and received an automated email confirming this.

It is unsurprising in this context to find that the scientific quality and integrity of the Declaration has been harshly criticised by many other public health experts. For instance, Dr Rupert Beale – Group Leader of Cell Biology at the Francis Crick Institute’s Infection Laboratory – described the Declaration’s idea that “we can safely build up ‘herd immunity’ in the rest of the population” as “wishful thinking”.

Byline Times 

Climate Science Denial Network Behind Great Barrington Declaration, Nafeez Ahmed

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