

Friday, December 2, 2022

How to Draw a Hot Air Balloon — Olga Samofalova

In September von der Leyen announced her support for a price cap on the international trade in exports of Russian pipeline gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG). Last month she said the European Union is “ready to go” with a price cap on Russian oil exports.

However, the European and Asian gas and oil trade is not only contradicting what von der Leyen is claiming; it is demonstrating they are profiting from her public lies. In the gas market there is new evidence that the French, Dutch and Belgian governments are allowing the purchase of record volumes of imported Russian LNG, and the re-export of this gas at a profit to other European states, including Germany. The arbitrage – that is, the profit from buying Russian LNG at the Russian selling price and then reselling it at a premium to European consumers – is so lucrative, the Chinese are diverting their contracted volumes of Russian LNG to Europe.

Olga Samofalova, the energy market analyst at Vzglyad , reported yesterday on how the markets are defeating the sanctions....
Dances with Bears
How to Draw a Hot Air Balloon
Olga Samofalova, introduced and translated by John Helmer, Moscow


  1. Ursula von der Leyen should be tried as a war criminal. Why, just yesterday, she was repeating that lie about the Bucha Massacre being done by the Russians. Where were the birds, Ursula?

    The Maxar dates should indeed raise eyebrows. The idea that bodies could lie in the open air for three whole weeks without undergoing massive decay is only remotely credible because the average Westerner thinks that Ukraine is in some kind of winter weather deep-freeze in late March.

    Yet a look at the weather data for Kiev for March 2022 reveals that there has not been one single day in the city (of which Bucha is a suburb) with temperatures below freezing since March 11th. The average daily temperature in the last few days of the month was 6 degrees centigrade – the same as the English city of Leeds. That average in turn of course includes highs in the spring sunshine. The weather graph for Kiev for the last week in March shows the situation very clearly, with temperatures up to 15 and 17 degrees:

    Anyone who has walked past an animal killed and left on the road for a few days under such conditions will be able to imagine the appalling stench which would come from so many human bodies left in the spring sunshine for three weeks, yet not one of the Ukrainian soldiers or police shown examine the bodies can be seen wearing a mask, making any expression of revulsion or mentioning the smell.

    As more graphic images have emerged of the victims, the evident freshness of the corpses seems to have prompted a revision of the dates of the alleged ‘Russian massacre’. By 5th April, for example, the UK Daily Mail’s lead story was claiming that the satellite photos showing the bodies on the road were taken on 19th March. No explanation was given for the ten-day change.
    But even accepting the revised time-line, there is still the problem that none of the bodies shown in videos or photos has any sign of decay or damage from carrion-eaters. In order to believe the accounts and videos put out by Kiev and the Western media, it is also necessary to believe that Ukraine has no stray dogs, no rats and not one single crow or other carnivorous bird.

    Look again at the video footage of the Ukrainian troops driving along the corpse-lined road. Do you see any carrion-eating birds flying up from any of the bodies?

    source: MSM's Bucha Tall Tale

  2. In my accent, her surname comes out as Fond of Lying.

  3. Vultures exist only in specific latitudes…

  4. We have magpies all around our house. They make a constant racket and kill and eat other birds.

    Magpies undoubtedly eat other birds. During the breeding season, they focus on the young nesting birds and eggs while the parent birds are away searching for food.

    It is a sad sight waking up to find feathers on your lawn, often the results of a magpie attack.

    Do magpies eat carrion?

    Magpies and crows will eat anything. They perform a service to people by consuming large numbers of insects and by feeding on carrion.

    Do they have magpies in Ukraine?

    The Magpie you see in Ukraine is also referred to as the Common or Eurasian Magpie, and its scientific name is Pica pica. In North America, the scientific name is Pica hudsonia and is referred to as the American or Black-billed Magpie. Both of these species look identical.

    Ukraine has other birds that feed on carrion.
