

Friday, December 2, 2022

What My Little Project Here Is All About — Caitlin Johnstone

I see illusions as the only obstacle to the creation of a healthy world, which in my view would look like a movement from the competition-based models of capitalism, militarism, imperialism and domination to collaboration-based models where all humans work in cooperation with each other and with our ecosystem toward the common good of all beings [i.e., away from narrow self-interest toward the common interest].  The only things preventing that movement are the large-scale illusions that our rulers have been indoctrinating us with since birth about what’s real and what’s possible, as well as the small-scale illusions of ego and separation which keep us enslaved to fear, greed, and unconscious reactivity.

The prospect of a large-scale awakening of human consciousness and radical transformation of the way humans behave on this planet may sound lofty and impractical, but the way I see it our species has trapped itself in a situation where that will either happen or we’ll go the way of the dinosaur. Every species eventually hits a point where it either adapts to changing situations or goes extinct, and as we accelerate toward nuclear war and the destruction of our biosphere it seems fair to say that that crucial juncture is upon homo sapiens now.…

The requires raising the level of collective consciousness in the direction of greater appreciation of universality. That is, a spiritual awakening.
Caitlin Johnstone


  1. Here is the same thing:

    “ The Rapture of the CHURCH - Is it happening soon? You should know that we're really close!”

    Same Art degree shit…,

  2. Here:

    “Every species eventually hits a point where it either adapts to changing situations or goes extinct, and as we accelerate toward nuclear war and the destruction..”

    Same shit as the Christendumb people with all their “rapture!” BS….

    Can’t deal with reality so they fantasize about the end of the world.. really sad…

  3. This is same as the monetarists who are all bearish and things aren’t going their way now so they spew about a big crash coming up…

    The common denominator is they all have Art degrees..,

  4. Is she going to go to her grave predicting Armageddon and then it doesn’t happen?


  5. Spiritual awakening is possible for individuals, but not for a species.

  6. “Spiritual awakening is possible for individuals”

    They were good people to begin with… not all are… this they are having trouble with..

  7. "collaboration-based models where all humans work in cooperation with each other and with our ecosystem toward the common good of all beings"

    The Big Hug Club doesn't work. Humans aren't like that.

    This is as naive as the individualist libertarians believing that in their utopia there won't be a big man with all the guns operating like the Mafia.

  8. It’s a very immature view.., childish..,

  9. I'm riffing off of Megan McArdle here. First, a quote from Megan regarding the gold standard:

    In short, you don't get anything out of a gold standard that you didn't bring with you. If your government is a credible steward of the money supply, you don't need it; and if it isn't, it won't be able to stay on it long anyway. (See Argentina's dollar peg).

    In short, you don't get anything out of Marxism that you didn't bring with you.

    If you can raise collective consciousness, then you don't need to seize the means of production because all rich people will be like Warren Buffett giving their money away to the poor. Jeff Bezos has joined in now:

    Jeff Bezos says he plans to give away most of his $124 billion fortune

    Megan McArdle's article: There's gold in them thar standards!

  10. “If your government is a credible steward of the money supply,”

    She’s just another Monetarist moron…

  11. “Afterwards, she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, where she received a B.A. in English literature. She then earned an MBA from University of Chicago's Booth School of Business.[4]”

    Art degree….

  12. ad hominem... attack the argument, not the person.

    As an aside, I was just skimming through her bio and saw this:

    McArdle began blogging in November 2001 with a blog called "Live From The WTC," which arose from her employment with a construction firm involved in cleanup at the World Trade Center site following the September 11 attacks. She wrote under the pen name "Jane Galt," playing on the name "John Galt," a central character in Ayn Rand's Objectivist novel Atlas Shrugged. In November 2002 she renamed the site "Asymmetrical Information," a reference to the economics term of the same name. That blog had two other occasional contributors, Zimran Ahmed (writing under the pen name "Winterspeak"), and the pseudonymous "Mindles H. Dreck."

    So, Winterspeak is Zimran Ahmed... I've followed him for years and never knew who he was except that he was Middle Eastern. Here's what Steve Randy Waldman (interfluidity) said about him:

    I've been flabbergasted by just how good Winterspeak has been lately. I don't agree with all of his conclusions, but the perspective he's developing is quite beautiful, and very useful. I'm going to highlight a few of the bits I really like, and add a bit of spin.

  13. [off topic]

    Wormhole is created inside a quantum computer that 'teleported' a message from one side to the other - and this could help scientists observe the theorized passages in real space

    A wormhole is a type of bridge that could form when space-time is folded. Space-time is the 3-D 'fabric' that makes up space, which can be warped and distorted.

    The passage is described as a structure that connects two distant parts in spacetime, acting as a shortcut from one to the other. And the points can be billions of light-years away.

    While Albert Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen are known for proposing the theory dubbed Einstein-Rosen bridges in 1935, the idea was first shared in 1928 by German mathematician Hermann Weyl.

    We were discussing this stuff a thousand years ago in the Islamic world. We call it Tay al-Ard

    Tayy al-Arḍ (Arabic:"folding up of the earth" or "covering long distances in the twinkling of an eye" is the name for thaumaturgical teleportation in the mystical form of Islamic religious and philosophical tradition. The concept has been expressed as "traversing the earth without moving"; some have termed it "moving by the earth being displaced under one's feet". It is a concept widely familiar to the Shī‘īs and Sufis, each group having a different interpretation on it. —Wikipedia

  14. Further to my comment, we have this:

    An exploration of Time Dilation, a concept first posited by Albert Einstein in 1905 as part of his new theory of special relativity.

    This paper deliberates on the theory and actuality of a mind-boggling phenomenon referred to as Time Dilation, as well as its underlying effects. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the history of physics, in which it discusses the deviation from the regularity of determinism in Newtonian Physics...

    Mind-boggling... really!? , because every kid in the Islamic world knows about time dilation because it's in the Qur'an. It appeared earlier in other traditions:

    In the Islamic and Christian traditions, the Seven Sleepers, otherwise known as the Sleepers of Ephesus and Companions of the Cave, is a medieval legend about a group of youths who hid inside a cave outside the city of Ephesus (modern-day Selçuk, Turkey) around AD 250 to escape one of the Roman persecutions of Christians and emerged some 300 years later. Another version of the story appears in the Quran (18:9–26). It was also translated into Persian, Kyrgyz, and Tatar. —Wikipedia

  15. “ ad hominem... attack the argument, not the person.”

    I’m not attacking the person I’m attacking her education…

    She’s probably a fine person… she’s just not qualified…

  16. Mccardle and winterspeak are both Chicago Booth… as was Milton Friedman… it’s a well known libertarian cesspool…

    Hence the John galt oriented pseudonym…

  17. Ahmed have you seen this Tom Cruise sci-fi movie:

    It’s pretty good..,,

  18. I’m not attacking the person I’m attacking her education…

    Her education is part of what makes her a person. You could have just commented on her position on the gold standard, which you still have not.

  19. have you seen this Tom Cruise sci-fi movie

    I watched the trailer, but it's not my kind of movie, as I don't care for high-budget special effects. I liked Tom Cruise in the two Jack Reacher movies, though, especially the fight scenes.

    I like movies with spiritual meanings. In another recent comment, I discussed teleportation and time dilation as regards the "cave". Both of these are in Sufism, which is my religion, and in the movie Star Wars.

    On Dagobah, he [Yoda] lifts Luke’s X-wing out of the depths of the swamp.

    Another movie I like in the same vein is The Fifth Element which is rich in spirituality, if you ignore the nonsense with Chris Tucker in drag. Here, the reference is to the divine language:

    Divine language, the language of the gods, or, in monotheism, the language of God (or angels) is the concept of a mystical or divine proto-language, which predates and supersedes human speech. —Wikipedia

    From the movie, these lines:

    - I brought the girl, remember? The redhead.

    - She just dropped in on me. Started speaking this bizarre language.

    - It's not bizarre. It's the divine language. The ancient language Spoken throughout the universe before time was time.

  20. If she says this:

    “ If your government is a credible steward of the money supply”

    Sorry but She is dumb… ok she is “improperly educated”… she thinks the figure of speech “money” is real and there can be a supply of it…

    This is a reification error and called monetarism and is taught at institutions like Chicago …

    Art degree in English makes her unqualified…
