Thursday, January 19, 2012

$4-a-gallon gas likely this spring

Read it at Peak Oil
$4-a-gallon gas likely this spring

If you live in a big city, expect the price to be closer to $5.

How would that affect effective demand? The cost of oil acts like a tax increase.


Anonymous said...

Paying 1.11 per litre
1 US gallon = 3.78541178 litres
$4.20 CDN per gallon

You poor Americans!

Matt Franko said...

How much of that is taxes?


PS What are litres? ;)

Anonymous said...

About 36 cents is taxes.

I see many SUV's and monster trucks on the road. I wonder what price would encourage the owners to switch to smaller cars.

litre is liter, labour is labor :)

Ryan Harris said...

Natural Gas costs less than two bucks for a gallon equivalent and the price is falling everyday. Honda is the only company mass producing CNG cars & they are sold out for months ahead of time. The maps for fueling stations show the country is pretty much covered now. In addition you can fuel at home. And just think you could get a license plate that says "Frack"

NeilW said...

Always makes me laugh this.

It's $US2 a litre here in the UK

$7.57 a US gallon in other words.

Senexx said...

That's about what $1 a litre, whoop de doo

Up to $1.50/l in AUD (not that high atm)