Monday, October 22, 2012

Mike Bloomberg: Vote Brown or Warren could ‘bring socialism back, or the USSR’

Yeah, he really said that — he who sit at the controls of his own secret police, the NYPD, and gives the commands. Do you prefer life — that is, "feel safer" — under fascism or socialism? I think I'l go for the "socialism," thank you.

The Raw Story
Bloomberg: Vote Brown or Warren could ‘bring socialism back, or the USSR’
David Edwards


Unknown said...

Under socialism at least you can dream of "liberty" - under facism they don't even let you dream.

paul meli said...

Bloomberg is even more dangerous than i imagined. Looks like he's supporting the police state because he sees the natives are on to him and his ilk and are getting restless.

When they bring out the C-word they're getting really nervous.

Shiela Bair, commie-in-sheeps-clothing. Even Republicans are being accused of being commis by these bastards.

Need to start practicing voodoo…lots of Haitians around here to learn from.

Jonf said...

Bring back socialism? Oh nuts, I missed it the first time around. Bring it on, always wondered how smart people in Scandinavia lived.

mike norman said...

Back in 2001 I worked on Bloomberg's first mayoral campaign for a while. I was also running for NYC City Council at the same time. After a while I began to see Bloomberg as an egotistical jerk and decided to abandon my efforts to help him. It cost me time on my own campaign. He won, I lost and he's still an egotistical jerk who thinks he can say and do anything because of his billions. This is what America is becoming: the land where rich, egotistical jerks get to do say and do whatever they want, with little resistance from their subjects/employees.