Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Robert Greenwald and Jesse Lava— Koch Brothers: We're Victims

In the wake of Mitt Romney's griping that 47% of the country is mooching off rich folks like him, Charles and David Koch are now suggesting that they, too, are victims.

The billionaire Koch brothers and their aptly-named political strategist Rich Fink spoke publicly about the family's agenda in the Kansas City Star this weekend. They insist that they're the ones under attack in America. Sure, the Kochs have $62 billion and seven homes. And yes, their combined wealth has just about doubled under Obama. And there are now reports of intimidation at Koch Industries for employees who dare speak out against the brothers' politics.
No matter: the world is lined up against these unfortunate souls. The corruption and machinations detailed in my film Koch Brothers Exposed are, apparently, child's play compared to the nerve-wracking obstacles these guys face.
What obstacles?...
The Huffington Post
Koch Brothers: We're Victims
Robert Greenwald, Founder, Brave New Foundation and Jesse Lava Campaign Director, Brave New Foundation


Anonymous said...

poor little Kocks

Trixie said...
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Tom Hickey said...

Psychologically, this is pitiful. These people seriously need therapy. I won't even begin to get into the web of syndromes operative here.

Matt Franko said...


...uckers ;)