Monday, October 8, 2012

Sebastian Anthony — Clean, limitless fusion power could arrive sooner than expected

Good news, denizens of Earth: If the findings from two premier research labs are to be believed, commercial nuclear fusion is feasible — and could arrive sooner than expected.
Extreme Tech
Clean, limitless fusion power could arrive sooner than expected
Sebastian Anthony


Clonal said...

In 1970, it was stated that hot fusion energy was twenty years away, in 1990, it was still twenty years away. So I guess that in 2012, to learn that it was only fifteen years away is progress.

Magpie said...

Ayn Rand believes only the mega-rich are talented enough for that kind of projects.

I wonder how many of those physicists and engineers are billionaires?

Matt Franko said...


IIRC the e-cat was supposed to be at Home Depot by August..... ;) rsp,

Anonymous said...

and in other news we'll all be driving flying cars in ten years time.