Thursday, March 14, 2013

Beppe Grillo — The Seeds of a New Left - or Right?

Want to get an idea of what's up in Italia?

Italian readers please comment. From what I gather, Italian MMT proponents are not favorable toward Beppe.

Beppe Grillo — The Seeds of a New Left.

Wu Ming Foundation
Grillismo: Yet another right-wing cult coming from Italy
The reason why it is such an ungrateful task to expose the right-wing elements of Grillo’s rhetoric, is that confusionism is an intentional strategy. Grillo repeatedly screams that «there are no Left and Right anymore!». Meanwhile, he and Casaleggio skillfully intersperse the right-wing elements with left-wing ones, reproposing buzzwords, concepts and claims they hijacked from the previous social movements. These concepts are reprocessed, they receive a treatment that strips all articulations and leaves them void of all content.

1 comment:

Matt Franko said...

some think he is becoming the rep. of the petite bourgeoisie... so not a strong view towards socio-economic justice...
