When Congressman Paul Ryan first rolled out his plan three years ago to replace Medicare with a voucher system, he acknowledged the inescapable conclusion that his massive cost-shifting to seniors constituted rationing. "Rationing happens today!" Ryan protested, "The question is who will do it? The government? Or you, your doctor and your family?" But then as now, he omits the real culprit: private insurers who can deny coverage, jack up premiums and cherry-pick healthier customers. Three years , three budget plans and two name changes later, Paul Ryan's Medicare privatization scheme will still lead to de facto rationing of health care for tens of millions of future elderly Americans.Peerspectives
New Budget, New Name, Same Old Ryan Medicare Rationing
John Perr
"Saving money" by shifting costs to private individuals.
Right shifting onto individuals who have no monetary authority.... and letting the "invisible hand" do the dirty work..
This is sort of a "Pontius Pilate" version of Rattner's "Death Panels"...
letting the "invisible hand" do the dirty work..
the invisible fist
What would be the time period and location of the most *sucessful* small government economy?
(read government here to mean centralized fiscal authority where wealth is redistributed for 'public purpose')
Hong Kong typically scores highest on Heritage's economc freedom index. Anyone know much about 'the Hong Kong model' ?
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