A recent poll reveals that most Americans who say no new gun laws are needed have very little clue as to what the nation’s gun laws actually are, much to the dismay of liberals pushing for sweeping reforms in the wake of the Newtown massacre. The survey, summarized in Sunday’s New York Times by…
There's no evidence that background checks reduce murder rates. In fact, murder rates went up after gun control legislation was passed in the 60's.
There's no evidence that magazine capacity correlates to murder rates.
This is yet another article that completely ignores the economic and social root causes of violent crime and instead tries to blame guns. It's "loser liberalism" except it's not even liberalism in any real sense of the word.
A *REAL* liberal would address the economic and social problems behind crime.
@ Dan
Its an example of what Bruce Schneier calls "security theater", policies designed to make people feel safer even if it doesn't actually make them safer (Schneier was discussing TSA airport policies).
What I think is fascinating is the phenomena of reform legislation stalled, in part, because the public thinks the reform has already passed.
To give a few other examples, most people think everyone living in poverty qualify for Medicaid (kids sure, adults not so much) or that gays are protected by Civil Rights Act or that a worker can't be fire without cause. The fact everyone thinks these are so is a big reason why its easy to block action to make these so.
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