Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fascism Watch — Thom Hartmann: National Security Should Never Be a For-Profit Industry

The privatized national security apparatus isn’t just wasteful—it’s contrary to the founding principles of our democratic republic.

National Security Should Never Be a For-Profit Industry
Thom Hartmann

The corporate state, aka the market state, aka national security state,aka the surveillance state, the police state, aka fascism, on the march. Mussolini would love it.

First, we had a central bank controlled by the financial industry in the the US sitting on top of a command economy, then a Treasury secretary chosen from the ranks of Wall Street, then a contractor-based military, then a militarized domestic security force directed by a cabinet department, and then a privately-operated surveillance force that has continued the supposedly discontinued Total Information Awareness program run by Iran-Contra figure Admiral Poindexter.

Hope you have either already left or have an escape hatch.

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