Friday, September 20, 2013

Precisely Managing Nonsense, With Double-Entry Accounting

Commentary by Roger Erickson

John Maynard Keynes once wrote of Hayek’s book Prices and Production:

“The book, as it stands, seems to me to be one of the most frightful muddles I have ever read, with scarcely a sound proposition in it beginning with page 45 … It is an extraordinary example of how, starting with a mistake, a remorseless logician can end up in Bedlam. (Keynes 1931: 394).
The Horror of Rothbardian Natural Rights

One has to be aware of the purpose of evolving aggregates before assuming definitions for natural flows, and managing them with double-entry accounting. Otherwise, you end up rigorously managing nonsense.

Sense vs non-sense comes ONLY by the selection pressure of combining feedback from all channels, existing and emerging. There is no adaptive path in the natural world that isn't bounded by dynamic equilibria between locally conflicting forces, and local perspectives.

In the end, you can't square double-entry accounting with quantum mechanics. That should remind us to never lose track of the fact that it's accounting that has to yield to reality, not the other way around.

This reminds me of three, simple, ancient truths.
* Data is meaningless without context.
* The difference between [operations] & theory is greater in practice than in theory.
* Theory soon becomes meaningless if not constantly serving actual aggregate
[not sub-group] operations.

The definition of logic itself is looking for consistency in explaining unpredictable reality. Logic simply maps theory to discovered operations, and in the process selects sense from nonsense.

Interestingly, that seemed to be recognized by members of the Brain Trust who advise the FDR administrations through the astounding number of pragmatic experiments which they utilized, even though it was clear that they, themselves couldn't adequately model a completely new paradigm from the methods which context forced them to adopt, by trial and error. That had to wait for the operational summary called MMT.


Chase, Stuart - Tyranny Of Words [pdf; $9 fee in USA]
  (Ironically, available here too, from Germany, free.)

One lesson is that we always need a survivable ratio of leaders and experimenters in policy offices responsible for our survival, and that we soon die if we instead fill those leadership offices with risk managers. We're always executing experiments on ourselves, no matter what we do. So we may as well have as leaders people able to rapidly learn from many mistakes, rather than those opposed to any change whatsoever, and terrified of making a mistake. The ultimate mistake is to not generate survivable ones as a survivable rate!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The accounting for the government-backed banks is bogus since the assets are very real (at least during the boom) while the liabilities are mostly virtual for the banking system as a whole.

So, can real assets be honestly backed by virtual liabilities? I think not.

Matt Franko said...


You have the real assets and the abstract accounting for them (the accounting is of course "not real" by definition...)

There is not anything "wrong" with this per se...


Unknown said...

You miss the point. Because of no convenient, risk-free alternative to the banking cartel for fiat storage and transactions, the liabilities of that cartel are almost entirely virtual since the mattress or safety deposit box are hardly convenient nor risk-free in the case of the mattress.

The banking cartel has a government-enabled monopoly on the transaction and storage of the government's fiat. That's fascist on its face.

It's odd that yall can't see it but I reckon the money system is surely part of Satan's world system.

Matt Franko said...


Well then why did the Lord instruct the Israelites to pay their taxes to Caesar in the state currency? that system had to be administered by fiscal agents no?

His disciples traveled with goodly quantities of state currency?

Or are you asserting that the govt civil servants performed this function themselves? so it wasnt technically "depository institutions" acting as fiscal agents doing it but rather civil service?

Where is your scripture for this?

Here is a scripture that identifies "tribute collectors" from Luke 3:

"12 Now tribute collectors also came to be baptized, and they said to him, "Teacher, what should we be doing?"
13 Now he said to them, "Impose nothing more than has been prescribed to you."

sounds like the prophet John didnt have a problem with a state currency system but rather one that was operated improperly...

And as far as the "money system" being a product of the influence/power of the Adversary, I would agree with you on a "money" system, but NOT the nation's state currency system, sorry...

Here is the Adversary himself on this:

"the Adversary shows Him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in a second of time And the Adversary said to Him, "To you shall I be giving all this authority and the glory of them, for it has been given up to me, and to whomsoever I may will, I am giving it." Luke 4:5

Here he claims authority over our human civil government, so you have to know this isnt true AT ALL F Beard as:

"He was a man-killer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, for truth is not in him." John 8:44

You HAVE TO know that he has NO AUTHORITY because he claims he does...

"for he is a liar, and the father of it" John 8:44

WE humans of the nations retain this authority and always have and always will F Beard... if we decide we want to delegate "fiscal agency" to a "banking system" we can certainly do that no problem.... the problems come in when we are deceived that WE DON'T retain authority.... THEN I'd agree with you that the Adversary is having his way with us via this "money" system our morons are operating...


Unknown said...

Don't conflate fiat (good, if legal tender for government debts only) with a state backed credit cartel for the sake of the so-called credit worthy.

And no, the state does not need fiscal agents - it needs civil servants - not state-enabled parasites on the body public.

Btw, you should know my views on fiat by now. Why do you distort them?