Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bruce Wilson — Cruz' Father Suggests Ted Cruz Is "Anointed" to Bring About The "End Time Transfer of Wealth"

Discussion of the now-notorious speech by Rafael Cruz has missed the fact that Ted Cruz was subsequently blessed and anointed by prominent dominionist pastors, in effect as a "king" in the political/governmental sphere, at a special blessing ceremony at the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, at a July 19th-20th 2013 rally designed to draw pastors into politics.
But in a very real, mundane sense Ted Cruz has already helped deliver hundreds of millions of dollars, or more, to the evangelical right. Cruz' past service - as a "king" who brought "spoils to the priests" - is a matter of established record; as I revealed in a prior story, no less than a top adviser to President George W. Bush has stated that in 1999 Ted Cruz played a major role in helping the Bush for President campaign lock down the conservative evangelical vote in the 2000 election....
Sarah Palin, as I helped document in 2008 and 2009, was extensively tied to the unabashedly dominionist New Apostolic Reformation, whose seminal theorist and organizer C. Peter Wagner has called, in a December 2012 op-edin Charisma magazine, for his followers to "take over everything"...
Last Sunday at a rally against Obamacare, both anointed politicians Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz could be found side-by-side, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Is Ted Cruz a Dominionist, like his father?

Cruz' Father Suggests Ted Cruz Is "Anointed" to Bring About The "End Time Transfer of Wealth"
Bruce Wilson
(h/t Charles Haydn on FB)


Matt Franko said...

"Given the noisily Christian Zionist milieu in which the "great wealth transfer" service was given - Larry Huch opened Rafael Cruz' sermon with a blast from a shofar, there was a huge Menorah looming over the stage, the main pulpit featured a cross superimposed on a Star of David, and some of the men in the audience wore yarmulkes - it's more than a little creepy."

You can see just how confused these people are.... "gospelizing" taken to current extremes...


The Just Gatekeeper said...

WOW- The crazy apple doesn't fall too far from the batsh**t tree!

Unknown said...

Too bad Progressives are so ignorant of the Bible that they can't point out the hypocrisy of the Dominionists, e.g. Gary North and his "Fiat Gold" coins.

googleheim said...

Putting a target on Giffords played into the minds of many ... and got Giffords shot... Palin and Cruz will embrace Jews who denounce other Jews ...hence Palin s cover up by using Jewish themed camoflage ...

Palin had Jewish blood spilt due to her "target" setting. That blood is Gifford's.

And now Palin is hiding behind a menorah....???

Who can call this could only come from the Jewish community. ..

John Zelnicker said...

"...a blast from a shofar, there was a huge Menorah looming over the stage, the main pulpit featured a cross superimposed on a Star of David, and some of the men in the audience wore yarmulkes - it's more than a little creepy."

It's downright disgusting and blasphemous as well. These people have no honor and no shame. Expropriating the religious symbols of the group at the very top of their "wicked" list is beyond hypocritical.