Monday, October 28, 2013

Hedgeye CEO says Yellen appointment makes him "want to puke"

Yahoo!Finance had a chance to be something different, to stand out in the useless, banal, brain dead Wall Street apologist world of CNBC and Fox Business. Instead they went in the same direction. No, worse, they doubled down by hiring Jeff Macke, the dude who was even too bizarre for CNBC and Lauren Lyster, the Ludwig Von Mises, goldbug, Peter-Schiff-loving former RT Capital Account host who thinks our money comes from mother nature.

If you watch you know that the Yahoo!Finance shows all come off as the same, big bad government, poor abused banks, market is the all-knowing omniscient self-regulating entity bullshit straight out of some bad Ayn Rand novel with a plotline so tired that the only people who watch are probably the clueless guests themselves who keep getting the same smoke blown up their asses by these clown hosts. The rest of the world could give a shit.

I only mention it because they appeared to hit a new low on a segment today where the apparently medicated Macke decides to go after soon to be Fed Chairman Janet Yellen, intimating that we ought to be wary of a woman having "power rivaling Obama." (Clueless statement. One of many.)

Now if I were a woman and I heard this I would unleash a shit storm of protest all the way up to Yahoo's WOMAN CEO, Marissa Mayer and try to get her to realize that a) the show sucks and b) there's no fucking way a loser like Macke and the show's producers should be framing a segment with such a disprespectful and obviously sexist/chauvanist lead in.

But gets better.

Cue the moron music.

Up on the screen pops some dude named Keith McCullough who, when asked about the Yellen appointment (Yellen being a woman) says, "I don't know whether to smile or puke." (I kid you not. Listen ot the clip.)

Puke! The guy says he wants to puke!

Then this simpleton moron, who runs an outfit called "Hedgeye" goes into some unitelligable rant about how "We Lost touch with the Constitutional principals of the country" (how so?) and how the Fed is "unelected and unaccountable." I guess he feels its okay to ignore the fact that Fed governors are all noninated by POTUS and confirmed by Congress and the Fed itself was established by an Act of Congress and that they Fed has to give all its earnings over to the U.S. Treasury every year and so on and so on.

Finally the dude finishes it all off with this lovely cherry on it comes..."The Fed is keeping rates artificially low and devaluing the dollar." Ba dum bum.

Right off the Peter Schiff talking points memo!

A little bit more whining ensues about some other stuff--all wrong and out of paradigm, of course--then a moment where he scolds the Fed for "not agreeing with the market," and there you have all the evidence you need to see that this bumpkin got the monetary intelligence of a jellyfish .

Anyway, here's the clip. Watch it for yourself.

By the way, you women out there, Marissa Mayer is on Twitter. Maybe she'd like to hear from you. (That goes for you, too, guys.)


Matt Franko said...

here's the soundtrack to this one from Yahoo!, just open it in another window and let it play as background music as you watch the Yahoo thing:

mike norman said...

I gotta use that in a video!!

Anonymous said...

gibberish spouted by two buffoons. Great entertainment, like watching Baboons mindlessly screaming at each other in a cage at the zoo.

Anonymous said...

This is a huge contemporary conspiracy meme: the vanishing dollar. It is impossible to kill the meme because the people who promulgate it are uninterested in facts, and make up their own facts as needed.

mike norman said...

That's right Dan.

Tyler said...

Lyster is too smart to outright reject MMT. I doubt she gets to choose the show's guests.

She did invite Stephanie Kelton on RT.

People don't want to be stupid. If she comes to the realization that MMT is the truth, she'll accept it.

Joe said...

I have a question about the fed. Do they turn over all their profits or just the profits from their treasury portfolio?

mike norman said...

The vast majority of the Fed's earnings come from its holdings of government securities. They are obligated by law to turn over everything except what they need to operate.