The Century Foundation and New America Foundation invite you to The Inadequate Supply of Demand
Good Grief!!!
Can we just trade these bozos for Marriner Eccles, Beardsley Ruml and Warren Mosler? Today? As in, without further waste of hot air?
We're waiting on either incomprehensible stupidity, or incomprehensibly stupid mal-intent. Is there any functional difference? Do WE care which it is?
In other settings I'd recommend replacing the entire headcount ... but in this case there are no detectable brains to replace! Just idiot savants that are NOT saving anyone from the faux savant services being foisted on citizens.
Let me get this straight.
I'm "invited" to a @#$%^&*!!! "inadequate supply of demand?"
Here's my response: "No @#$%^&*!!! THANK YOU!

"Alpert argues that we are now living a world in which labor, production, and capital far outstrip demand."
You don't say?
Any suggestion WHY that's been increasingly true, for 80+ years running?
Or WHAT the US Middle Class will be ALLOWED to do about it?
And, oh yes, allowed by WHOM?
What? No comment there? You're "working on it?" On our diverted dimes? Look, I personally don't care WHAT you trolls do, on your time. Just get the @#$%^! out of OUR way, and stop getting between the citizens and their fiat ... or many, MANY people are going to get hurt, far worse than they already have been.
Remind me why I, or any US citizens, should waste time listening to these windbags spout stuff our grandparents already clearly stated, 80 years ago?
"Economists and political leaders have failed to see the cataclysmic shift in the global economy that resulted from the flood of labor and productive capacity unleashed by the end of socialist regimes."
Duh uh uhhh. Where have these trolls BEEN the last 80 years, when anyone with common sense KNEW this, and saw it, because they LIVED it?
"Alpert argues for bold new policy solutions to jump-start sluggish advanced nations—a new playbook for the new normal."
BMHOTK! Here's a bold new policy suggestion for Alpert and his little band of pork-takers too. How about you guys just get the @#$%^&*! out of the way??? Just @#$%^&*! off and @#$%^&* ? Wouldn't that be far simpler - and much faster? Instead of talking more of us to death?
Less talk, lower taxes, more investment of OUR growing fiat in OUR nation.
There, I just summarized the situation for D-Al in ONE sentence.
Now he doesn't even need to have his stupid seminar or sell his stupid, $100 book, and we can get on to actually doing things, instead of his endless talk & endless book sales.
While D-Alpert & his Tijuana wags might CLAIM to be on the right path - which they probably read about in a FREE book somewhere, THEIR suggested TEMPO leaves OUR aggregate path lingering so long in their own, personal pocketbooks that it doesn't matter WHAT PATH we take at their suggested tempo!
D-Alp & company, if you're not part of an solution that is allowed to unfold with adequate tempo ... then get the hell out of our way, YESTERDAY?
End of suggestions. Actions needed instead.
Here's my response: "No @#$%^&*!!! THANK YOU!
OUR aggregate demand is not THEIRS to dole out!!!
@#$%^&*!!! on a @#$%^&*!!!, ^%&#$@, *(+@#( STICK!!
Now I really am mad as hell."

You don't say?
Any suggestion WHY that's been increasingly true, for 80+ years running?
Or WHAT the US Middle Class will be ALLOWED to do about it?
And, oh yes, allowed by WHOM?
What? No comment there? You're "working on it?" On our diverted dimes? Look, I personally don't care WHAT you trolls do, on your time. Just get the @#$%^! out of OUR way, and stop getting between the citizens and their fiat ... or many, MANY people are going to get hurt, far worse than they already have been.
Remind me why I, or any US citizens, should waste time listening to these windbags spout stuff our grandparents already clearly stated, 80 years ago?
"Economists and political leaders have failed to see the cataclysmic shift in the global economy that resulted from the flood of labor and productive capacity unleashed by the end of socialist regimes."
Duh uh uhhh. Where have these trolls BEEN the last 80 years, when anyone with common sense KNEW this, and saw it, because they LIVED it?
"Alpert argues for bold new policy solutions to jump-start sluggish advanced nations—a new playbook for the new normal."
BMHOTK! Here's a bold new policy suggestion for Alpert and his little band of pork-takers too. How about you guys just get the @#$%^&*! out of the way??? Just @#$%^&*! off and @#$%^&* ? Wouldn't that be far simpler - and much faster? Instead of talking more of us to death?
Less talk, lower taxes, more investment of OUR growing fiat in OUR nation.
There, I just summarized the situation for D-Al in ONE sentence.
Now he doesn't even need to have his stupid seminar or sell his stupid, $100 book, and we can get on to actually doing things, instead of his endless talk & endless book sales.
While D-Alpert & his Tijuana wags might CLAIM to be on the right path - which they probably read about in a FREE book somewhere, THEIR suggested TEMPO leaves OUR aggregate path lingering so long in their own, personal pocketbooks that it doesn't matter WHAT PATH we take at their suggested tempo!
D-Alp & company, if you're not part of an solution that is allowed to unfold with adequate tempo ... then get the hell out of our way, YESTERDAY?
End of suggestions. Actions needed instead.
Given the players in this program what else could you expect – Daniel Alpert, Peter Orszag and Ed Luce, good God what a whacked out crew of manipulators, add in anyone from CNBC and it can only be a disaster. I sure hope that people are not being charged to listen to this drivel. The problem is that many of them will say oh yes, this really makes sense. Our whole economic system is set up to drive demand, good old Eddie Bernays saw to that years ago; so if we have an oversupply it’s because people are unable to satisfy their desires for demand due to a lack of income or credit or both. Driving down supply will only intensify the situation. It would no doubt be better for the long-term health of the planet if people could learn to get by with less, but that’s not the dominant paradigm of the this or the last century.
couldn't agree more, John
Did you know that the Federal Reserve building in Washington D.C. is called the "Eccles Building", after Marriner Eccles? I didn't.
ps: seems humans ARE indeed attempting to get by with less .... LESS LOGIC!
Not sure they're gonna get away with it.
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