Thursday, October 17, 2013

Josh Eidelson — Tea Partiers V. Millennials: Why the Far Right Disdains Young People, Even Their Own Kids

Sociologist Theda Skocpol explains what drives the angry right, and what to expect next from them.
The past weeks’ showdown in Washington, D.C., has shocked and perplexed some observers. Theda Skocpol was not among them. Skocpol, a veteran Harvard professor, is the author of books on topics ranging from the politics of the U.S. welfare state (Protecting Soldiers and Mothers) to the state of grassroots political engagement (Diminished Democracy), and of the definitive social science tome on the Tea Party (The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism, with Vanessa Williamson).
With the immediate debt ceiling/shutdown showdown coming to a close, Salon called up Skocpol Wednesday to discuss how the media misunderstand the Tea Party, how an unpopular movement can move so many members of Congress, and why the right hates Obama’s moderate healthcare law so much. What follows is an edited and condensed version of our conversation.
Tea Partiers V. Millennials: Why the Far Right Disdains Young People, Even Their Own Kids
Josh Eidelson

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