Saturday, October 5, 2013

Michael McAuliff — Government Shutdown: Democrats Actually Hated The 'Clean' Funding Plan

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has lately been making the point that the short-term spending bill that the House now refuses to give a vote was the result of a compromise cut with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). The basic deal was that Democrats would accept the GOP's sequester-level spending levels to buy time to fund the rest of the year.

Lost in all the rhetoric is that Democrats faced serious backlash from their base for cutting that deal.
"We got hammered," said one Senate Democratic aide.
The Huffington Post
Government Shutdown: Democrats Actually Hated The 'Clean' Funding Plan
Michael McAuliff

Basically accepting the Ryan budget. The big blue states that make as the money for the US are going to have to come up with a plan to issue currency themselves. A creative approach to state banks could be a start. The second step could be state currencies, e.g., by accepting state bonds in payment of taxes.

1 comment:

Ryan Harris said...

I'm sure by the end of weekend the focus groups will have buzz words for the media and tactics to make public opinion swing against the rebellious congressmen and bring the Dems and Old Guard Repubs back into control. The problem as they see it, is that the unruly part of the republican party isn't accepting the normal division of voters and spoils between the parties. Being able to see the divisions between the unruly poor and Walmart working class and small business appear on the libertarian tea party side, while the rich, academic, ethnic rule the left with an iron fist and the religious and rich are sort of in their own conservative La-La land. If the republican split endures and the Republican coalition of libertarians and conservatives can't come back together, we could end up with 3 parties and finally a break from the authoritarianism and narrow range of possibilities presented by the 2 party system as it has evolved over of the past half century. I support the tea partiers as they try and wrest control of government from the Old Dems and Repubs even though I don't agree with them and I actually like Obamacare tremendously even though they insist on its destruction. For me getting rid of the two party system is my highest priority and the lens through which I see all the political news unfolding. The old enemy of my enemy is my friend. I just wish it were the Dems being broken up as they are the most destructive and dangerous party right now that refuses to stand up for liberal ideas. Oddly they are more united than ever...