Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Stephanie Kelton on All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC 10/8 – video and transcript

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Clonal said...

The problem is the sound bite nature of these kinds of shows. Sound bites generally tend to reinforce "common" knowledge. Anything that is said that is contrary to what is commonly understood does not stand a chance in the sound bite world!

mike norman said...

Stephanie was excellent!

Matt Franko said...

Right Clonal these MSNBC people seem to be producing a schizoid evening product that dosesnt know if it wants to be an in depth news analysis show from a Progressive perspective or a knockoff of the John Stewart show, or a blend...

Hence they end up not doing either very well...

They wasted a lot of time last evening with the guy from Esquire who has tried to rip-off my moron schtick only he doesnt know the meaning of the word apparently...

That time could have been better used with the discussion group Kelton was within...

They have to figure out what they want to be over there at MSNBC, a whole evening of sophomoric "lets make fun of the GOP crazies!" programming gets old and doesnt tell people anything that they dont already know...

I think they are conflicted and cant help but to remain shallow on the issues because their partners over at CNBC are the source of much of the right-libertarian propaganda that they seem to disagree with... so they cant go there as they cannot go to war with another COMCAST entity...


Matt Franko said...

I would add that 'right wing' media like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, Savage, Hugh Hewitt, etc... literally spend next to NO TIME on "let's make fun of the left".... they are on a mission and stick to the subject and explore the issues from serious institutional, philosophic, spiritual, historic perspectives...

The left like that guy from Esquire thinks they are "morons" becasue he disagrees with them... thats NOT why they are morons...

Listen to Dan on 'The Attitude' sometime on the podcasts he posts, Dan's approach reminds me of the depth and intelligence of 'right wing' radio only from the different pov... right radio is VERY successful and they are not afraid to dig deep into the issues... they RESPECT their audience...


Ryan Harris said...

How do you balance a budget when you fiscal stabilizers that are much larger and volatile than discretionary spending? You have to cut them. And that is after all the Democrat's party goal, to make the stabilizer programs 'sustainable' over the long term. The Dems have sold their souls and stand for nothing. I almost think I'm better off going with a Tea Partier, because even though there is no social safety net, they will lower everybody's wages all at once and collapse the system fast, so MMT will be the only option to save the day. Letting the Dems keep bleeding the common man dry and cutting liberal programs is worse and happens so slowly that people don't understand cause and effect.

Matt Franko said...

The left has no vision Ryan... they need some 'big ideas' as Dan has been imploring in his writing lately with his 'public enterprise' concept... but Dan is 'in paradigm' so Dan knows "we can afford it"...

Obama is manifestly stuck in the 'govt is household' paradigm listen to his presser from yesterday he CONSTANTLY used the 'household' metaphor while Kelton here ably refuted that and Hayes just sits there and doesnt even notice this that she contradicts the President from earlier THE SAME DAY...

Whole left is out of paradigm and does not think we can afford anything... A big 'soup kitchen' initiative of more redistribution isnt going anywhere...

the right always unapologetically finds the USDs when it suits their purposes like national security... the left thinks "we are out of money" for any purpose...

I think if it ever happens for the US, the right will jump on MMT...


Tom Hickey said...

Hayes just sits there and doesnt even notice this that she contradicts the President from earlier THE SAME DAY...

Hayes' lede was a five minute explanation of why government is not like a household. Stephanie refers to it.

Tom Hickey said...

I would add that 'right wing' media like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, Savage, Hugh Hewitt, etc... literally spend next to NO TIME on "let's make fun of the left".... they are on a mission and stick to the subject and explore the issues from serious institutional, philosophic, spiritual, historic perspectives...

Right, they have memorized the right-wing spiel put together than the think tanks like Heritage and spin meisters like Lutz that poll key terms and pitches.

The Dems have nothing like this, so the spokespeople don't have a consistent message.

So the message of the right get reiterated in the media echo chamber and dominates the framing.

Matt Franko said...


I'm trying to make the point that she directly contradicts the President and this was not pointed out... not that 'govt is not a household' per se... its that the President thinks he is running a household vice a federal govt... THAT is the story...


Tom Hickey said...

Both Chris and Stephanie set the record straight without mentioning the president, but anyone who has been listening to the president knows that he has said on many occasions that government is in effect a currency user along with others.

Might be MSNBC policy not to attack O directly. Don't know.

Matt Franko said...

then confront his advisers... just as good.. rsp,

JK said...

Matt Franko has a good point. It's essential that people on the 'Left' call out Obama and Democrats or else O and the D's will keep on talking the nonsense. But if their own (liberal) base starts calling them out… they'll adjust and respond.

Maybe we need to take some pointers from how the Tea Party is influencing the Republican party :)

Tom Hickey said...

Maybe we need to take some pointers from how the Tea Party is influencing the Republican party

If the president throws SS and Medicare under the bus in a Grand Bargain, I would expect a grassroots progressive shit storm and a revolt against the Establishment.

The way this could happen is that the Dem base sits out 2014 and 2016 elections or votes third party letting the GOP sweep the current Dems out of office. Then start building a new party with a progressive vision to put the country back on track after the depression or war that the GOP causes.