Saturday, October 19, 2013

Too Few "ICC" Lobbies Making Up Our Central Planning Cabal

Commentary by Roger Erickson

It's the height of irony, to see the MICC and a few other industrial-strength "ICCs" buy up control of our policy apparatus ... IN THE NAME OF AN ONGOING CRUSADE AGAINST Communist Style CENTRAL PLANNING!

You really couldn't make this up. Ideologues destroying Democracy in a misguided rush to control it's "true" nature .... from their narrow point of view. They can't see the resiliency for all the conformity?

As an example, the following is an awesome summary & statement taken from the battleground of a token, industrial Natural Selection process.

'In his May 14, 2013 interview with Fortune Magazine, ARM CEO Simon Segars mocked the personal computer market as a place "where two people have controlled it and the person that makes PCs runs on 2% profit margin and can't afford to innovate anything other than which shade of grey the plastic is." At the time, Segars's ridicule of the personal computer industry came against a .. backdrop of claims that ARM architecture has been installed within more than 95% of the world's mobile phones. Over the past 24 months, of course, Microsoft and Intel have expressed their financial and ideological commitment to building out mobile businesses. The moves out of Segars's "two people," however, have increasingly reeked of desperation. For once, Microsoft and Intel are finding themselves largely shut out and unable to bully their way into a lucrative market.'
   Microsoft And Intel Are Getting Desperate

Increasingly reeking of desperation?

Does that sound familiar to people in a large variety of disciplines, including all those asking whether our national whole is still greater than the sum of it's parts?

We could quite obviously say the same thing about the 2 "people" (aka, our 2 political parties) who are running policy in this country. They can't let go of the MICC & a few other "ICC" lobbies [making up an increasingly narrow Central Planning cabal] AND they're constraining OUR Policy Space AND dooming OUR Policy Agility to a 2% (or less) growth rate!

The very concept of "Concurrency" applies equally well to the capture of our entire policy apparatus by a few, rigid "tangents" - trying to keep us fixated on linear policy directions exactly when the path of reality meanders so unpredictably that it literally screams, daily, for more flexibility and policy agility - NOT fixed, ideological tangents. 

Where are the boundaries between creeping concurrency in the MICC, Control Fraud, and the new Wall St FICC (finance-industrial-congressional-complex)?

Only in our myths and dreams, which can now see ONLY by keeping our heads stuck in a hole in the ground? There is always a better way. We really must just let ourselves select it. That means steering past all the tangents, and going with the wisdom of consensus. It's out there, if all the ideologues will just let us all adequately sample our own, increasingly diverse feedback. Democracy ain't rocket science. It's just listening to all of us, steering away from frictions, and going with the confluence of "easy" and "insanely useful." That boils down to the return-on-coordination with and within the bulk of the electorate, the Middle Class. We can do this, EASILY, if we simply argue less and coordinate more.

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