Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What NON Sense! Precisely Calculating The Culmination Of Another Flawed Concept.

Commentary by Roger Erickson

In yet another breathtaking display of clueless cunning, another wit has precisely calculated the culmination of another flawed concept.

"Indeed, the invisible ruler of the Federal Reserve is the market’s future expectations of inflation."

You don't say!

There's a flaw here, of course. What part of FIAT don't these people understand? It's been 80 years now, since fiat currency and inflation fears have been officially & absolutely decoupled even from fiat interest rates. You'd think they'd catch on.

Yes, it may still be a fiat policy to pay an interest rate on our every fiat fiscal policy decision ... but, like all fiat, that swings on a whim. You'd think we'd have more interest in our group survival than in our nominal currency interest rate, but people obviously get confused about these concepts, and refuse to sort them out.

Our bigger fiat problem is our fiat expression of fiat ignorance. Namely, our fiat insistence on fiat NON context-awareness.

This is an oxymoron, of course. To adequately close off all emerging avenues of context awareness denotes an ability to detect said avenues, in order to close them!!!

This is getting interesting, from a pathologists point of view. What do we call pathologists who study and treat cultures, not just individual physiologies? Sentient citizens? Do we have enough of those to matter?

Leaving that issue aside, let's ask some more diagnostic questions, in the interim. How do culture-wide oxymorons propagate? By some inverse cultural-prion disease, where malformed memes act as the prion? Seems backwards, but complicated things happen in complex systems.

However this willful group ignorance occurs, we're left with the curious phenomenon of an entire electorate afraid to acknowledge all aspects of the image bouncing back from it's own operational mirror. Such selective sensory filtration - willfully feigned partial blindness - is called Munchausen by Proxy syndrome in other settings. We have it on a cultural scale.

This is curious beyond rational belief. Being our own bully and stealing our own lunch doesn't sound so bad, in theory. In practice, however, if our lunch currency is only stuffed into bulging cultural-cheek-pouches (purely nominal banking reserves), and never reaches the Middle Class cultural stomach, can we still truthfully tell ourselves that we're even eating our own lunch?

You'd have to ask the Lunch Havers, or their proxies.

Our culture needs MORE than just an advanced semantic immune system (to help select adaptive memes faster). It needs an effective ParadigmAntic immune system, to accelerate discrimination of self-paradigms (that aid survival) and non-self-paradigms (that lead to dead ends, i.e., to us dead).

Without more collective deliberation, we're running around randomly, in the process of dissociating, not coordinating.

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