Sunday, December 15, 2013

Alan Grayson — How to Destroy an Entire Country

...What is the cause, then? The World Health Organization has the answer: austerity. "Austerity" is a bloodless term for gross economic mismanagement, animated by heartlessness. That robotic cut-cut-cut mentality that deprives us of jobs, of public services, of safety, of health, of infrastructure, of help for the needy, and -- ultimately -- of our economic equilibrium and the ability to survive. The mentality that ushers in, and welcomes, a vicious war of all against all. Austerity is destroying an entire country, right before our eyes…..
In America, we have a rich and powerful lobby that has the same prescription for every economic malady: austerity. Cut-cut-cut. Cut Social Security and Medicare. Cut teacher and police and firefighter jobs. Cut health care. Cut pay and cut pensions. It all boils down to that one ugly word: austerity. And austerity always brings disarray, disaster, decay and death.
People often ask me my position on various issues. Well, I'm for certain things, and I'm against others. But on one issue, I'm very consistent. I'm against pain and suffering. Especially avoidable pain and suffering. And therefore, I'm against austerity. It begins with seemingly innocuous budget cuts. It then leads inexorably to the destruction of countless lives.
Why am I telling you about Greece? In 1935, Sinclair Lewis wrote a book called It Can't Happen Here. But it can. And it's up to us to prevent it.
The Huffington Post
How to Destroy an Entire Country
Alan Grayson | U.S. Congressman for Florida's 9th District


Unknown said...

In America, we have a rich and powerful lobby that has the same prescription for every economic malady: austerity. Cut-cut-cut. Alan Grayson

How about we cut off government backing for the banks, the pet counterfeiting cartel of the rich and other so-called creditworthy?

What's so hard to comprehend about purchasing power creation MUST be ethical?

Ethics is imminently practical because it leads to and maintains peace.

system failure due to insufficient evolution? said...

The tactics of downgrading and degeneration

The Greek government, as an authentic representative of the neoliberal dictatorship in Greece, deliberately destruct public benefits and services

Clonal said...

Bruce Bartlett has an article up at NY Times - Rethinking the Idea of a Basic Income for All

paul meli said...

"Bruce Bartlett has an article up at NY Times - Rethinking the Idea of a Basic Income for All'

When the guys that used to be agin' ya' are now 'fer 'ya, you know the paradigm is shifting.