Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Parasites Are Utilizing Control Fraud Strategies To Drive The Latest Epidemic of Cultural Diseases

(commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

We're supposed to be excited that Qatar launches gene mapping to combat diseases?

Good move, but it'll be too late, and too little, if we and other nations don't address social issues generating an order of magnitude greater impact on societies.

For decades, the most statistically relevant public burdens have been the human crime syndicates which parasitize human cultural systems. Such "human culture parasites" have long since moved on to Control Fraud, and operate on a whole new level.

Combatting physiological disease is a tactic. Meanwhile, the parasite world is already employing actual strategies, and moving on to hijack even our national policies! That's why all we're getting only Pyrrhic victories in arenas which, increasingly, THEY already own outright. Meanwhile, our Cultural Health Burden dwarfs even our net, public health burden.

That's also why it's not even remotely good enough that we're Using 'Open Source' Tools to Fight Sexually Transmitted Infections.

That's nice, mundane, and necessary, but it is not by any means sufficient. It should be as incidental as wetting your pants in a dark suit. We have orders of magnitude bigger parasitic burdens to defend against. How about using OpenSource tools to to fight Cultural Infections transmitted through Control Fraud?

To address our biggest burdens, we need orders of magnitude more OpenSource Meme Mapping. First to educate people about the range and hierarchy of cultural burdens, continually identify the overwhelmingly dominant ones, and then to combat those emerging Cultural Diseases. We've already waited far too long to add Control Fraud and White Collar Crime to that list, and move them to the top.

A large part of every parasite's toolkit is dedicated to sowing distractions and confusion, and diverting attention elsewhere. That's how the strategy of divide & conquer works. It doesn't just set us against one another. It also diverts too many of us to less important targets. Like diverting nearly all FBI agents from White Collar Crime to international, physical terrorism, not to mention keeping the bulk of our police diverted to Blue Collar vs White Collar crime. Has anyone compared the actual, comparable losses from blue collar crime and and even physical terrorism damage vs White Collar Crime as separable burdens on society? 

It's not even close!

Solution? So far, the Control Frauds buy Congresspeople purely to keep our attention diverted to terrorism and Blue Collar Crime! It's called politics. Masquerading as politics and policy, the social parasite strategies have successfully made our national economy a poor person's burden and a 1% solution.

We need more OpenSource discussion, immediately, if we're going to ramp up an effective social-immune-system. Right now, the parasites have most of our fledgeling, social-immune responses diverted to attacking ourselves! As an example, see the discussion here.

At the very moment that White Collar Crime is at a historic peak, in both absolute magnitude and also proportion of national output, the majority of both our population and our clueless politicians are ACTUALLY DISCUSSING further dismantling the USA, and thereby further enabling the Control Frauds, through steps like more deregulation, less governance, reduced public initiative, and more privatization of the public Commons, right down to private ownership of prisons and highways. We may as well cede the atmosphere to frauds and pay them rent so that we can breathe.

If return-on-coordination is always the highest return, by far .... then for our own sake less invest LESS in coordination? Werks fur mi!  And, it works exquisitely for the Control Frauds looting our increasingly uncoordinated nation.

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