Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Peter Radford — When is a contract a contract?

It used to be comforting to think that the saying “one rule for the rich, another for the poor” was just that: a saying. We could all pretend that America was a land of equal laws, even though we all knew deep down that rich folk can always get away with stuff we can’t.
Now, in these years of crisis, we are exposed to the ugly truth far too frequently. Big business and rich people have one set of laws. The rest of us another. In their laws a contract is inviolate. To break it you have to have extreme extenuating circumstances and/or a well paid lawyer. In our laws a contract is a suggestion. To break it you have to be a creditor who has friends amongst the elite and/or a well paid lawyer.
Real-World Economics Review Blog
When is a contract a contract?
Peter Radford

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