Sunday, December 1, 2013

Peter Turchin — Blame Rich, Overeducated Elites as Our Society Frays

Complex human societies, including our own, are fragile. They are held together by an invisible web of mutual trust and social cooperation. This web can fray easily, resulting in a wave of political instability, internal conflict and, sometimes, outright social collapse.
Analysis of past societies shows that these destabilizing historical trends develop slowly, last many decades, and are slow to subside.
The Roman Empire, Imperial China and medieval and early-modern England and France suffered such cycles, to cite a few examples. In the U.S., the last long period of instability began in the 1850s and lasted through the Gilded Age and the “violent 1910s.”
We now see the same forces in the contemporary U.S. Of about 30 detailed indicators I developed for tracing these historical cycles (reflecting popular well-being, inequality, social cooperation and its inverse, polarization and conflict), almost all have been moving in the wrong direction in the last three decades.
The roots of the current American predicament go back to the 1970s, when wages of workers stopped keeping pace with their productivity. The two curves diverged: Productivity continued to rise, as wages stagnated. The “great divergence” between the fortunes of the top 1 percent and the other 99 percent is much discussed, yet its implications for long-term political disorder are underappreciated. Battles such as the recent government shutdown are only one manifestation of what is likely to be a decade-long period....
Blame Rich, Overeducated Elites as Our Society Frays
Peter Turchin | Vice President of the Evolution Institute and Professor of Biology and Anthropology at the University of Connecticut


Roger Erickson said...

Rich elites are a consequence of inadequately distributed situational awareness (including education) - not a cause.

They're the symptomatic noise thrown off by a maladaptive system, not the causal trigger.

Blame is never the issue.

Fixes, and shaping malleable systems towards them ... IS the issue.

Matt Franko said...

" inadequately distributed situational awareness"

right on Roger.. rsp,