Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's A Pity That The Entire DNC Fails To Realize That One Of Their Stated Goals Precludes All The Other Ones!

  (commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

They need help finding a graceful path to occupying more consistent logic, not just fervor. Fervor is a necessary start, but it's not sufficient. Conflicted logic precludes return-on-coordination?

Do you have additional suggestions for encouraging well meaning people to dig into actual currency operations, not just superficial semantics?

Apparently Marriner Eccles and Beardsley Ruml weren't enough, not to mention Warren Mosler, or Bill Mitchell or Randy Wray or Stephanie Kelton.

This could be critical step in educating tens of millions of citizens, so please be very careful and very encouraging when responding to the originator of this twitter poster.

Vote Democrat ... to support this agenda ..? or help them update it?


googleheim said...

I would add 1 word:

"Reduce the deficit"

"Reduce the foreign deficit"

Maybe also:
"Save Social Security"
"Keep Social Security Safe As-is"

Perhaps add:

"Increase the National Deficit"

Clonal said...

The term "fiscal deficit" should be changed to "Net National Savings" Since "Federal deficit equals net private savings to the penny"

Roger Erickson said...

If we wanted, it would make sense to have the list accurately read

"Increase Middle Class Savings by Selectively Increasing Public Spending"

We could make that happen, easily, or any other variant ... just as a useful point of discussion.

The Just Gatekeeper said...

The word "deficit" just sounds too scary to most people. Lets face it, 99% of the country doesn't know MMT. No major political party is about to embrace a concept that almost no one understands. Its up to us to spread the word, so the mainstream politicians can feel more comfortable advocating for larger deficits, without the usual caveats.

Roger Erickson said...

correct, JG, so please quit saying "budget deficit" when discussing group fiat

old topic, in need of daily marketing?

more analogies needed