Sunday, January 19, 2014

Eric Ng — DVN shares surge as former Blackwater owner named chairman

"The board invited [Prince] to be an executive director and chairman in view of his extensive business and commercial knowledge and network in the aviation and secured logistics industry," DVN said.

Prince last November sold to DVN a company that plans to build a pan-Africa provider of aviation, logistics, risk management, security services and exploration support services, needed by many Chinese businesses active in Africa. He received US$3 million plus the first batch of options.
Mercenaries sell their services to the highest bidder. I wonder what the US government thinks of Prince teaming up with China to colonize Africa, subsequent to the US failure in Iraq.

South China Morning Post
DVN shares surge as former Blackwater owner named chairman
Eric Ng
(h/t Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog via Zero Hedge)


Tom Hickey said...

The questions are always the same in political economy:

1. What's the agenda?

2. What's the hidden agenda?

3. Where does following the money lead?

4. Where does the power lie and how is it being used?

Matt Franko said...

"Liberty Blitzkrieg"... you can't make stuff like this up!


"Prince credits the 1994 Rwandan genocide with his decision to start Blackwater. He told an audience in his native Holland, Michigan, “It really bothered me. It made me realize you can’t sit back and pontificate. You have to act.”

"Prince describes himself as a libertarian and practicing Roman Catholic.[25] He describes his political views as follows:
“I'm a very free market guy. I’m not a huge believer that government provides a whole lot of solutions. Some think that government can solve society’s problems. I tend to think private charities and private organizations are better solutions.”

HE is one of THEM... HE would probably read "Liberty Blitzkreig" and would like the name.

What you always see with these people is a denigration of govt authority... it is always there.

so here you have "liberty blitzkreig" (donations accepted in bitcoin! LOL!) criticizing Prince who is an avowed libertarian... LOL

Where are these people standing?

They are ALL literally insane morons...they are all incestuous insane govt haters.

Tom Hickey said...

Yeah, it's ironic that Prince is now working with the Chinese communists. Maybe he thinks he can convert them to Libertarian Christianity. :)

Ryan Harris said...

Don't forget the Australians and Europeans! I worked for an African bank designing payment system software a couple years ago and was really impressed with the pace of development and how much more evenly wealth was being spread around than it had been in the past. It isn't great, but better than the old days.
The African continent has loads of natural wealth, tons of cheap labor, ambitious governments with increasingly effective educational systems. The African Union has shown their ability to work together to provide regional stability and some semblance of rule of law. Decreasing levels of corruption and violence demonstrate that millions of people are being lifted from abject poverty. China's great success comes from their method of dealing with corruption. They embrace it and allow people to become rich so long as they help the government meet it's goals. Not much different than the US unofficial system of corruption really.

Tom Hickey said...

Corruption has always been endemic. People get upset over petty officials taking small bribes while the giant bribes, often legalized, go unnoticed because they are behind the veil, or swept under the rug whenever they come to light. But it is a POA to have bribe petty officials to get anything one, and at least that is not endemic in developed countries anymore.

googleheim said...

Do the Chinese companies Erik Prince represent also do business with companies in Iran?

They might and that requires contact with revolutionary guard if Iran.

Just as with Indian pipe mills, the department of Commerce and Treasury supposedly forbid business directly or indirectly with Iran.

Why don't USA threaten China with freezing of their treasury account if they are already doing biz with Iran? Then force them to spend it and not hoard it creating stimulii.

DVN and Blackwarts probably met at one of the Shale play oil digs where the Chinese hold below the radar controlling shares....