Saturday, January 11, 2014

Global Financial Armaggedon on Horizon?

"Paranoia, they destroy 'ya..." Ray Davies, The Kinks

Lest we ever get past barbarian metal-love, recent paranoid doomsday rantings from here.   Choice excerpts that glom onto the deranged Glen Beck's bandwagon:
As if the global economic crisis in 2008 wasn’t enough, for the world–much less the United States–is not yet fully recovered from that … debacle, the truth about the Federal Reserve System is being edged into the global spotlight: Germany required all its gold returned and got something else in return.
Gold, to be sure, but it wasn’t the gold that the Germans deposited for safekeeping. [Ed: The Nazis??? WTF???]   As Glen Beck outlined in his show on Wednesday, January 8th and outlined in an article in The Blaze, Germany expected to have returned its “Bundesbank, Germany” annotated gold bricks upon request. Germany agreed to have the return accomplished in increments, and this first portion was not the same asset as was deposited — and as required by law. 
In its place, the Germans got non-stamped gold bricks, which meant they are replacement assets, which the Fed apparently sold secretly and without expressed permission by the assets holder. 
The United States of America embezzled funds (read: assets) from a foreign nation for its own purposes and had to scramble to replace the possibly misdirected gold.
What a bunch of paranoid deranged metal-loving morons! It continues:
The error Mr. Beck made? The United States dollar has been official worth nothing but hot air, [Ed:  LOL!!!]  otherwise described as “…the full faith and credit of the United States” …since Nixon’s removal of the currency from the gold standard in 1971. 
With severe doubt as to the gold assets allegedly being held within the United States, how much longer do you think the U.S. Dollar, the world’s most used currency and the most important currency will continue to ‘stablize’ world finances?
Cue the ominous music! LOL!  What a bunch of morons! This should be the soundtrack.

Here is Becks website.  Hit the link Beck's site is like a whorehouse for metal-lovers.

What a cohort of disgraced members of humanity exhibited here.

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