Sunday, January 5, 2014

Joe Weisenthal— People Are Freaking Out About This 'Rolling Stone' Plan To Fix The Economy

A story by Jesse A. Myerson in Rolling Stone titled Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For has conservatives on Twitter flipping out.
Nick Gillespie at has a breakdown of the conservative backlash, but if you actually read the article it's really baffling trying to figure out why the piece is generating such controversy.
Myerson identifies five things that should be done, and admittedly, his titles for each idea sound provocative. They are:
  1. Guaranteed Work for Everybody
  2. Social Security for All
  3. Take Back The Land
  4. Make Everything Owned by Everybody
  5. A Public Bank in Every State


Anonymous said...

It's hardly "baffling" why conservatives would be apoplectic about the Rolling Stone piece. After all, #4 on the list is basically a call for socialism.

Matt Franko said...

Right Dan and it has NO CHANCE of becoming policy...

And "Take back the land"


How about some reasonable policy proposals...
