Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Randy Wray — Handy-Dandy Links to the MMT and JG Literature

OK a commentator complained that she could not find serious examinations of the MMT and JG literature. Let’s try this. Here’s a short list of some of my downloadable but non-blog articles.
Economonitor — Great Leap Forward
Handy-Dandy Links to the MMT and JG Literature
L. Randall Wray | Professor of Economics, University of Missouri at Kansas City


Clonal said...

Good article by Alan Nasser in CounterPunch - Why FDR Did Not End the Great Depression – and Why Obama Won’t End This One

Existing programs were not only too small, but they were also either temporary (Civilian Conservation Corps and Civil Works Administration) or irrationally tied to the severely weakened states’ ability to raise substantial revenues on their own (Federal Emergency Relief Act and Public Works Administration). CWA had come closest to the kind of commitment Keynes thought indispensable, but it suffered two fatal defects: it was temporary, designed only to help workers get through the harsh winter of 1933, and of all these programs it was the object of Roosevelt’s greatest suspicion. Roosevelt feared that CWA would raise workers’ expectations of what they could permanently expect from government.

Matt Franko said...


Here you can get started right away:

Nothing stopping you or anyone else...


Tom Hickey said...

Thanks, Clonal. Promoted to a post.