Monday, January 13, 2014

Reduce Public Fiat, to GET Public Fiat?

(Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

Someone please point out the logic. I'm not seeing it. Maybe Congressional logic is currently an oxymoron.

Hammer the disabled to pay for unemployment benefits

"It would take the pen of Jonathan Swift to fully describe Congress' willingness to beat up on the least fortunate members of society to protect the richest. The latest example is a plan to pay for a one-year extension of unemployment insurance by cutting Social Security benefits for the disabled."
Can you imagine a bird, flying at 1000 feet, saying to itself: "Look, I have to balance my fiat (the "public initiative" of all it's cells) ... so, we'll start by closing down the left wing. Let's see what happens if we fund only the right wing."

Yeah. I found a dead, healthy looking, young bird in my driveway yesterday. It looked to be VERY healthy. Seemed to have fallen out of the sky, or got careless, didn't steer well, and ran into something. It's still dead.


Matt Franko said...

"Maybe Congressional logic is currently an oxymoron..."

The key syllable here being "moron" .... its all a BIG knowledge problem imo Roger.


Anonymous said...

”Maybe Congressional logic is currently an oxymoron”.
Awareness or consciousness of the difference between your heart and what is in it, and mind, is fundamental to consciousness.

In the techniques of self-knowledge, mind becomes still: it acts like a mirror reflecting the inner world back to you. In practice, it is not used as an instrument of intellection, or canvas, or palette of emotion. You are the Intelligence, the mind is an instrument.

A spin off of practice is that it affects the mind throughout the rest of the day; especially if one continues the focus within, outside of normal practice time. Because the mind is clear (begins from a state of clarity) then as one ‘thinks something through’ the thought process is not muddied by emotion or confusion, conditioning, or outside distractions. Intellection of course, is still a skill, but one practices at their own level with ‘clarity’ as an aid, and kindness as a guide.

Mind creates our problems; we spend all day trying to solve problems. Is this the best thing to do with a human life? Better not to create the problems in the first place.

For me, besides dharma in the outer world, the pursuit of consciousness in the inner world is a human being’s integral career path!! It’s called daring to be content with no strings attached! Even in the world of today.