Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Thom Hartmann — How the War on Workers Is Changing

Since 2000, average worker take-home pay has been on a steady freefall, while pay for executives and CEO's has soared off the charts. 
Thus, on the federal level, the War on Workers has been a huge success.
But while the War on Workers has been steadily eating away at the income of working-class Americans, its ultimate goal is to turn America's activist working middle-class into a dispirited, disheartened, and disempowered working poor-class [with no power].
To do that, the forces behind the War on Workers have to shift their focus to the state level, and do away with the last remaining state protections for workers.
That's where the Koch Brothers and other conservative political power players come in....
All across America, conservative lawmakers are doing everything in their power to quash working-class Americans, thus destroying the integrity and vitality of our democracy by turning the middle class into the working poor. 
A functioning democracy requires a strong and functioning middle-class. 
And despite what conservatives will try to tell you, unrestrained capitalism is not going to get us there, because unrestrained capitalism always produces a working poor-class, and not a strong middle-class.
To get a middle class, you must combine capitalism with government regulation and safety-net programs. It's really just that simple, and history tells the story over and over again.
How the War on Workers Is Changing
The Daily Take Team, The Thom Hartmann Program | Op-Ed

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