Saturday, January 3, 2015

Adrian Karatnycky — Warlords and armed groups threaten Ukraine’s rebuilding

Opening the curtain a crack, but only a crack, counterbalanced with Western propaganda, as in:  "Civic activism is on the upsurge, and a new government team — populated with many foreign-born and Western-educated ministers — is largely free from the control of the country’s super-rich, who dictated policy in the past." But at least it's a start for the US. 

Europe is more cognizant of this than America and also much more concerned since it is happening on the ground over which WWII fought with the Nazi forces, both the German military and central Europeans allied with them. Needless to say, the Russian press is playing this up big since anti-Nazi sentiment runs high there and Nazi insignia on Ukrainian troops is like waving a red flag in front of a bull that has been gored.

It's not the "warlordism" and "armed groups" to be chiefly concerned about. It's what they stand for.

The Washington Post | Opinion
Warlords and armed groups threaten Ukraine’s rebuilding
Adrian Karatnycky | senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, where he co-directs the “Ukraine in Europe” initiative

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