Friday, January 2, 2015

I am the only one, EVER, to get David Walker to admit publicly that there is no solvency issue when it comes to Social Security

Forget CNBC, Fox Business, MSNBC, CNN...forget Neil Cavuto, Joe Kernan, Larry Kudlow, O'Reilly, Hannity, Bartiromo, Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, Bob Schieffer, Brian Williams...forget them all.

I am the only one, EVER, to get former Comptroller General of the U.S. -- David Walker -- to admit, publicly, that there is NO SOLVENCY ISSUE WITH SOCIAL SECURITY.

It was on my radio show back in 2008. Here is the soundbite from that interview where he dishonestly states, "I don't think there's a solvency issue. I am not asserting there is a solvency issue."

Yet we all know that he and his deceitful backer, Pete Peterson, have been spending millions in a dishonest campaign of fear mongering in an attempt to convince people that Social Security is bankrupt and needs to be eliminated.

Here's the audio:

Pass it around.

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