Saturday, January 3, 2015

Jason Easley — Bernie Sanders Flexes His Muscles By Introducing Bill To Create 13 Million New Jobs

Sen. Bernie Sanders is using his new position as the top Democratic caucus member on the Senate Budget Committee to push a new bill that he will introduce to the new Congress that will create 13 million jobs by rebuilding the nation’s bridges and roads.
Here are the details via Sen. Sanders…
And Bernie has Stephanie Kelton there as the chief economist for the minority Senate budget committee to say that affordability is no problem.

Politics USA
Bernie Sanders Flexes His Muscles By Introducing Bill To Create 13 Million New Jobs
Jason Easley


Matt Franko said...

Good test case to see where we are..

Dan Lynch said...

Bernie has a history of being fiscally conservative and his proposal does not discuss the "pay-for."

In any event Bernie has zero power other than his bully pulpit. He can't flex his muscles because he never had any muscle to begin with. :-)

More relevant to the real world is the Chamber of Commerce's recent about face on deficit spending -- of possible interest to MNE?

Unknown said...


That article is a satire piece. I got screwed referencing it also since it would be monumental. @cebes aka Robert Bostick told me its an onion like article.

Dan Lynch said...

Thanks for the heads up, Auburn. That darned Rodger Mitchell and his dry humor ........ :-)