Monday, June 8, 2015

It's all the fault of the unions...says another hedge fund douche

Tired arguments blaming unions and other false memes for income inequality.


James said...

Is anyone else not getting any audio from this video?

mike norman said...

You're not getting audio?

RedRosa said...

Great post! Eff Scaradouche... There is no evidence of any skills mismatch in either job openings data or wage inflation data. It seems to me more like tech companies want to bring in more foreign workers to work for lower wages while way too many Americans pursue programming which will eventually drive down wages in that sector as well. One thing that could help this would be...wait for it... unions...

James said...

You're not getting audio?

No, and it's the same on your other videos as well, I tried to watch the Jamie Dimon one, and had the same result, everything working but the audio. Other youtube videos are working fine for me. It's not a problem I've encountered with your videos before either.

mike norman said...

James, I got audio on all my devices.

mike norman said...

James, I just checked with some colleagues and they are getting audio. I am baffled. Sorry about this.

If anyone is having audio problems please let me know and if they know how to help James that would be greatly appreciated.

mike norman said...

James, email me.

James said...

I apologise for not getting back to you Mike, I haven't been online today. I thnk the problem is with my browser, I watched the video fine on my tablet, so it must be a firefox glitch on my pc. Sorry to have hassled you.