Monday, June 8, 2015

Paul Goble — ‘Russians are No More Europeans Than are the Tatars,’ Khakimov Says

Here it comes. You were waiting for this shoe to drop, I am sure.

No comment. The headline says it all.

The Russophobic propaganda coming out of the West is vitriolic, but this is particularly disturbing. The Russian oligarchs are Jews, the Russians are Mongols, and Putin is Stalin and Hitler on steroids. Not hard to see where this is going.

The Interpreter
‘Russians are No More Europeans Than are the Tatars,’ Khakimov Says
Paul Goble

See also
In earlier essays here this author has noted that Russia can be thought of as a frozen culture that cannot escape its past and therefore is condemned endlessly to repeat it. Allegedly as well, Vladimir Putin is a keen student of Russian history. But if that is the case, rather than learn from that history he apparently is rushing ever faster to embrace its worst and most inhuman aspects. Recent news stories highlight this revenge of Russian history upon the Russian people and the continuing deep-freeze of the culture.

Ethnicity, culture, what's next in Russophobia.


MRW said...

Is this the Bellingcat website horseshit?

I put this on nakedcapitalism:

"The key is to exploit journalists’ incredible laziness."

No shit. Please read the following from Russian expert Dr. Matthew Crosston (NEMESIS: Keeping Russia an Enemy through Cold War Pathologies.

"March 16, 2014 marked the day when the people of Crimea went to the voting booths to decide whether they would be part of Ukraine or part of Russia . . .

[re: Reuters, first report] On the one hand, readers were given the distinct understanding that the referendum was basically rigged, commandeered by Crimean leaders, who were nothing but sycophants to the Kremlin. But Reuters also accurately mentioned that Crimea is majority ethnic Russian, which indicates a free and fair referendum could have produced the very result reporters were already declaring as disingenuous. So which was it? . . .

Finally, the piece reported that the 1992 constitution foresaw giving the region effective independence within Ukraine. That 1992 constitution, however, was the Ukrainian Constitution and not the Russian one. It does indeed grant the Crimean region effective independence within Ukraine and the right to determine its own path and relations with others. Ukraine wrote those words in the immediate glowing aftermath of Soviet dissolution, when, quite frankly, most in the West felt the true political and economic prosperity path shone brightest for Ukraine and not Russia. Many seem to have forgotten this but any simple source search back to the time period will reveal massive Western enthusiasm for Ukraine’s prospects while being skeptical of Russia’s size, infrastructure and historical legacy. So yes, it was quite true that the constitution recklessly gave Crimea the opportunity to pursue the very path it was now pursuing. But this flawed constitution was written by Ukrainians, not Russians. This is a reality not revealed to readers. The problem, once again, is a pervasive subconscious Cold War pathology that predetermines how readers around the world learn about the situation in Crimea and therefore how they see Russia’s role there." [Emphasis mine]

So the 1992 Ukrainian Constitution gave Crimea the legal constitutional right to independence within Ukraine, and the right to determine its own path and relations with others.

Please tell me why the managing editors at the NY Times, the Washington Post, and any other newspaper with an opinion don’t know this.

Either the White House and State Department are lying to us, or they don’t know this. If the latter, we are f**king lost as a nation. This is a disgrace, and unforgivable. This is the Ukrainian/Russian version of WMD in Iraq.

Tom Hickey said...

Want to see some really illogical nonsense? I thought so.

Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast, Want to Get Really Mad About Ukraine? Watch Russian TV

She concludes that it's not the Ukrainian military or the Right Sector that shelling the separatist cities and causing the horrific casualties that are being shown on Russian RV and outraging people. It is really the separatist militias shelling their own people.

Now it really takes some chutzpah to write that. and the people that printed it seems to be OK with their reporting being perceived as a propaganda tool, and a crude one at that.

Jeff65 said...

It goes back way further than Iraq / WMD. That was one of Team B's more recent lies. Watch Adam Curtis' "The Power Of Nightmares" for a refresher. The nuttiness began a long, long time ago.

MRW said...

@Tom. June 8, 2015 at 8:59 PM

There are only five media owners in the country and they permit this.

@Jeff65. June 8, 2015 at 10:45 PM

I show Part 3 of "The Power Of Nightmares" to every kid I know under 18, and their eyes are saucers. BTW, best copy here:

Matt Franko said...

None of this would be happening if they didn't reneg on the gas deal.... You can't reneg...

This is how cross border "enforcement actions" work...

If he would just say he was sorry for reneging on the gas deal and admit his mistake and promise to never do it again in a very contrite way he would go back immediately to being good old "pootie poot"...