Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sputnik —Russia, China Not to Accept America’s Vassalage Status Despite US Pressure

The US is playing with fire by instigating a military standoff off Russian and Chinese borders, while neither the South China Sea nor Ukraine can be considered America’s backyards; Washington needs to understand that neither Russia nor China will accept its vassalage status, according to the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.
Russia, China Not to Accept America’s Vassalage Status Despite US Pressure


Ryan Harris said...

The only problem is that China doesn't want any part of the Russian or American strategic games. They do what is good for China, if it happens to be Russian or American, so be it. They are neither friend nor foe to the United States but are opportunistic with everyone. Russians are more paranoid about Chinese hegemony, expansionism than Americans, with good reason, China has border disputes with every country they border. In about half their neighbors they sponsor maoist rebel groups including in India and Nepal. So I think that it is a bit premature to think that everyone is celebrating China. The only reason the Russians are cozying up to China is because they have their little disagreement with Europe. Once Merkel agrees to stop expanding Europe and permanently pull out of Ukraine, Putler will relax, though i think he wants the Baltics and Eastern Europe too, though in a soft power way where they follow the Russian propaganda instead of European. He should have everyone read MNE so they could always stay up to date on the lastest nonsense coming out Russian media. Chinese media doesn't report on sensitive issues but at least they aren't completely in lala fantasy land like this Russian drivel.

Jeff65 said...


I see you thoughtful post regarding facts and rationalization and the next article I see this comment. Perhaps you could share some evidence that supports you POV on Russia?