Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tony Wikrent — “If You Are Not Building a Nation, Then What the Fuck Are You Doing?”

May good points but I think that Tony is confused about the role of political and economic geography, geopolitics, and geostrategy. While the points he makes about development are well taken, they are largely orthogonal to the points that Alfred McCoy make about position relative to Halford Mackinder, and he might have included Nicholas Spyckman, too. Now, development is coming together with geographical position in Eurasia. This is likely to have much greater impact on much greater land space than the US has had owing to the relatively isolated position of the US geographically, which required amassing sea power like England previously.

The point is that if one doesn't understand how the players view the game as a set of rules on a particularly configured board, then one is not going to understand the moves that they are making and liable to make based on objectives and tradeoffs. It's therefore essential to understand the "grand chessboard," whatever one thinks of it. It is a high stakes game that the players take very seriously.

Naked Capitalism
“If You Are Not Building a Nation, Then What the Fuck Are You Doing?”
Yves Smith
Guest post by Tony Wikrent

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