Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ramez Naam — Why Energy Storage is About to Get Big – and Cheap

Storage of electricity in large quantities is reaching an inflection point, poised to give a big boost to renewables, to disrupt business models across the electrical industry, and to tap into a market that will eventually top many of tens of billions of dollars per year, and trillions of dollars cumulatively over the coming decades.


Matt Franko said...

Doesnt matter they will just raise the USD amount per kW-hour and hook up fees so they can maintain revenues to pay the retirees pensions anyway ... US consumer will see no price drop in their overall utility bill... this has already been happening after 7 years of ZIRP.... no pension fund returns so they just raise the price in the bill...

Remember the GM guy (before they went tits up...): "We pay more for retiree health care per vehicle than we do for steel...."

Unknown said...

I see so many companies jumping in to the clean and sustainable energy market but like @Matt Franko says, the utilities companies are just going to find some way to monetize all of it and the whole benefit of these storage solutions and energy harnessing power is just going to go down the drain by the time it reaches the consumers.